We’ve been together for over 50 years.

We do different jobs that require different skills. We are diverse – from all sorts of backgrounds in all corners of the country. But we’re connected by a common purpose. Together we’ve fought for the things that matter most.

Fairness. Equality. Dignity.

There’s still much to be done before we have a truly just society. Empowering young workers, women’s rights, racial equality, dignity for the disabled, as well as justice for First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples.

We have made Canada a better place for millions of workers and their families. We will keep fighting for a Canada where ALL workers have a decent wage, retirement security, dignity and a safe workplace.

As we move forward, we are undertaking an unprecedented initiative to speak with every rank and file member in order to re-create our movement.

We are 750,000 public service workers. We will back each other up. We will speak with one voice.

We are CUPE.

This section of the website is dedicated to CUPE’s history as told through our stories, photos and videos.