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January 9 - 10, 2018 | CUPE Ottawa Valley Area Office, Pembroke, Ontario | English | $50 (Affiliate) | $75 (Non-affiliate)
Handling grievances , , A refresher on basic grievance handling, this module highlights the steward’s role as educator. Participants teach each other “best practices” and share strategies for dealing with difficult grievances., , What’s our duty? , , Stewards’ roles and responsibilities are covered by various labour laws. Where do stewards get their authority in the work­place? What is the duty of fair representa­tion? What other legislation covers the workplace?, , Representing members in front of management, , Stewards and supervisors are equals when they meet about labour relations. This module equips stewards to be proactive when meeting with management. Learn tips for effective meet­ings, and build confidence by practicing meeting situations., , Building your case, , Good grievance handling means keeping well organized files. Learn how to research a case thoroughly; how to separate facts from opinions; and tips for taking good notes.
January 11 - 12, 2018 | CUPE Sault Ste Marie Area Office, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario | English | $20 (Affiliate) | $25 (Non-affiliate)
What does a CUPE steward do?  If you are a new steward and want to learn how to help CUPE members solve workplace problems, this introductory workshop is for you!  , , In this workshop you will learn:, , investigating workplace problems, filing a grievance, meeting with management, , dealing with workplace complaints, ,  Notetaking, , Why do I have to take notes? What kind of notes should I take? Are my notes private? This module answers important questions like these, and provides practice time to work on note taking skills. 
January 11 - 12, 2018 | CUPE Sudbury Area Office, Sudbury, Ontario | English | $20
$20.00 per registrant, , Registration fees must be received promptly following your online registration in order to guarantee your spot within this CUPE educational opportunity. Cheques can be made payable to the Sudbury District CUPE Council and mailed to:, , Sudbury District CUPE Council, , 41 Veterans Road, , Copper Cliff, ON , , POM 1N0
January 11 - 12, 2018 | CUPE Ottawa Area Office, Ottawa, Ontario | English | $40 (Affiliate) | $50 (Non-affiliate)
Saying “NO” to harassment , , By the end of this workshop you will know:, , • what harassment is, , • how to handle complaints, , • how to use contract language, education and workplace policy to prevent harassment, ,  , , , Conflict Resolution, , Conflict is a natural part of our lives. Learning to handle it well improves relationships with other members, co-workers and the employer.  In this workshop, you will:, , , deepen your understanding of conflict, , , strengthen your communication skills, , , practice responding to conflict
January 13 - 14, 2018 | Local 218, Whitby, Ontario | English
Job Evaluation, , This workshop will interest you if your local is thinking about a joint job evaluation program for pay equity purposes, or if you have new joint pay equity committee members.  It covers topics such as collection of job information, rating jobs, weights, banding, selection of male comparators, job-to-job and proportional value comparisons and achieving/maintaining pay equity.
Jan 15, 2018 | Madoc, Ontario | English
Creating Psychologically Safe & Healthy Workplaces, , What are the psychological hazards in a workplace?   What is our role as stewards in making our workplaces psychologically healthy and safe?, , Understanding Mental Health, , Learn about mental health and mental illness, explore our own attitudes and stereotypes about mental health, and learn tools for representing members when mental health is an issue. 
Jan 16, 2018 | Local 1022, Belleville, Ontario | English | $30
Learn about key legal concepts and terms, the role of the stewards during the employer’s investigation, when discipline is given, and during grievance meetings, and how to develop effective arguments.
January 16 - 17, 2018 | CUPE Sudbury Area Office, Sudbury, Ontario | English | $20
What does a CUPE steward do?  If you are a new steward and want to learn how to help CUPE members solve workplace problems, this introductory workshop is for you!  , , In this workshop you will learn:, , Investigating workplace problems, Filing a grievance, Meeting with management, , Dealing with workplace complaints, ,  Notetaking, , Why do I have to take notes? What kind of notes should I take? Are my notes private? This module answers important questions like these, and provides practice time to work on note taking skills. 
Jan 17, 2018 | Local 218, Whitby, Ontario | English
In this module stewards teach each other “best practices” and share strategies for handling difficult grievances.
January 18 - 19, 2018 | CUPE Cornwall Area Office, Cornwall, Ontario | English | $20
Clear Language, , We rely heavily on the written word to inform our members of their rights and to encourage them to participate in the workplace, the union and the community. Our communications, however, aren’t always as effective as we would like. , , This workshop will help you develop clear writing and design skills to reach more members and make your local stronger, ,  , , SLS: Being an Ally for Equality, , Championing human rights in the workplace and the union is an important role for stewards. What does it really mean to be a good ally?
January 18 - 19, 2018 | CUPE Local 4000, Ottawa, Ontario | English | $40 (Affiliate) | $50 (Non-affiliate)
Women Speaking Up, , Feel more comfortable “speaking up” in different situations – speeches, meetings and one on one communication. In this workshop, you will:, , • know what makes a speech or presentation effective, , • learn and practice tips for dealing with nervousness, , • prepare an outline for a speech or presentation, , • gain experience speaking in front of a supportive group, ,  , , SLS: Creating Gender Equality , , , , , How do you know if gender inequality is happening in your workplace? Learn about gender inequality and ideas for how stewards can challenge sexism in the workplace.
January 19 - 20, 2018 | Local 905, Newmarket, Ontario | English | $20
Introduction to Stewarding, , What does a CUPE steward do?  If you are a new steward and want to learn how to help CUPE members solve workplace problems, this introductory workshop is for you!  , In this workshop you will learn:, • the role of the steward, • investigating workplace problems, • CUPE’s structure, • filing a grievance, • meeting with management, • dealing with workplace complaints, , What’s Our Duty?, , Stewards’ roles and responsibilities are, covered by various labour laws. Where do, stewards get their authority in the workplace?, What is the duty of fair representation?, What other legislation covers the workplace?
January 19 - 20, 2018 | Local 1011, Burlington, Ontario | English | $30 (Affiliate) | $40 (Non-affiliate)
Pensions are our deferred wages. That’s what makes them a union issue – whether you’re trying to get a workplace pension for your members or are trying to protect the one you have.
In this workshop, you’ll learn about:
• Government pensions – the Canada Pension Plan, the Old Age Security Program and the Guaranteed Income Supplement;
• The different kinds of workplace plans and why some are better than others;
• The attacks on workers’ pensions – and how we can fight back as union members.
January 20 - 21, 2018 | Local 1883, Kitchener, Ontario | English | $40
Mediating Member to Member Conflict, , Helping members resolve day-to-day conflicts builds solidarity in the union. In this module, stewards practice coaching members who are in conflict with other.  , , Creating Harassment Free Workplaces, , It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure a harassment-free workplace, but the union also has a role to play. Learn how to recognize harassment, educate the members about harassment, and represent members who are involved in harassment complaints.  , , What Stewards Need to Know About Health & Safety, , Stewards need to work with health and safety committee members and health and safety activists to ensure that the workplace is healthy and safe for our members. Learn about health and safety rights and how stewards can support this important area of, union work.  
January 20 - 21, 2018 | Local 543, Windsor, Ontario | English | $75 (Affiliate) | $95 (Non-affiliate)
Understanding Mental Health, , Learn about mental health and mental illness, explore our own attitudes and stereotypes about mental health, and learn tools for representing members when mental health is an issue. , , Creating Psychologically Safe & Healthy Workplaces, , What are the psychological hazards in a workplace?   What is our role as stewards in making our workplaces psychologically healthy and safe?, , Mediating Member to Member Conflict, , Helping members resolve day-to-day conflicts builds solidarity in the union. In this module, stewards practice coaching members who are in conflict with other.  
Jan 20, 2018 | Kingston, Ontario | English | $50
This workshop is about following rules of order when chairing union meetings. Learn about the role of the chair and the different elements (motions, amendments, points of order, etc.). Get a change to put the learning into practice.
Jan 20, 2018 | Local 416, Toronto, Ontario | English
Learn about where stewards get their authority in the workplace, the duty of fair representation, and other labour laws that cover the workplace.
January 25 - 26, 2018 | CUPE Ottawa Area Office, Ottawa, Ontario | English
CLOSED Job Evaluation
January 25 - 26, 2018 | Bureau régional du SCFP à Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario | French | $40 (Affiliate) | $50 (Non-affiliate)
This workshop is for all members in an elected position within the local union. Whether you are a trustee or a member of the executive, learning about the basics of the local union’s finances is a priority. In this workshop, you will learn about your duties within the finances of the union, budgeting and how to be transparent and accountable to members. 
January 25 - 26, 2018 | CUPE North Bay Area Office, North Bay, Ontario | English | $25 (Affiliate) | $30 (Non-affiliate)
Who am I as a leader? Who are we as a local union? How do we fit into the broader movement? Learn how to use the power of your elected position to build power in the union, create space for more members to get involved, and strengthen solidarity in the labour movement and in our communities.
January 26 - 27, 2018 | Local 7575, London, Ontario | English | $40
H&S: Women and Work Hazards, This module looks at the impact of the physical and social work environment on women’s health, and ways to influence research, policy and practice to reduce the health disparities related to gender., , H&S: Ergonomics, This module looks at the musculoskeletal injuries in the workplace, such as strains or carpal tunnel syndrome, the risk factors and the employers’ obligations to prevent these types of injuries., , H&S: Violence Prevention in the Workplace, This module examines the risk factors that lead to violence in the workplace, and the employer’s obligations to prevent workers from being exposed to and injured by violence while at work. We examine relevant health and safety law, and start to develop strategies to make our workplaces safer.
January 26 - 27, 2018 | Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine & Performing Arts, St. Catherines, Ontario | English | $15
Understanding Mental Health - Learn about mental health and mental illness, explore our own attitudes and stereotypes about mental health, and learn tools for representing members when mental health is an issue. 

Creating Psychologically Safe & Healthy Workplaces - What are the psychological hazards in a workplace?   What is our role as stewards in making our workplaces psychologically healthy and safe?


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