Dear Sisters, Brothers, and Friends:

I want to start this report by recognizing you for the trust and support you have shown to me and for re-electing me at our recent national convention. I am incredibly honoured that I have the opportunity to continue to serve as National Secretary-Treasurer and look forward to another two years of continued member mobilization and great achievements for the labour movement in Canada and abroad.

Two years ago, I made the commitment to watch over CUPE’s resources and ensure that each expenditure contributes to the good of the union and is spent in the service of our members and their communities. This commitment becomes particularly important and takes on a very concrete meaning at this time of the year when difficult decisions are made to finalize next year’s budget. Over the last few weeks, many discussions have taken place to ensure that the budget that will be submitted to you this week addresses our priorities. I want to thank all of those who have taken part
in these rich discussions.

As the next pages of this report will clearly demonstrate, CUPE members have been very active since we last met in September. Inflation, as well as decisions made by governments are creating real hardship across the country for workers, and their families and communities. Not surprisingly, CUPE members are pushing back, resulting in many strikes, lockouts, and demonstrations, but also in new contracts that often include major improvements to our members’ compensation and working conditions.

These past few months, I was again privileged to meet hundreds of CUPE members on several picket lines and to march with thousands of them in wonderful events organized by our locals and partners in the labour movement and elsewhere.

Solidarity with Striking Locals

CUPE Local 882: On October 10, I was honoured to join a busload of striking workers from CUPE 882 in Prince Albert for lunch. These intrepid strikers rode the bus four hours each way to join the rally at the legislature. I was thrilled to be able to recognize their militancy in their own strike effort, ongoing since September 11.

CUPE Local 53: On October 15, the second day of their strike, I visited the picket line of our CUPE 53 members in Whitby, Ontario. These 495 municipal members were pushing back against their employer’s demands for concessions on scheduling and work-life balance.

CUPE Local 1490: On November 8, I met the 12 members of CUPE 1490 locked out since October 15 by their Employer, the Township of Black River-Matheson. These members are fighting an employer who is demanding two-tier wages. At the time of writing this report, the dispute was ongoing with an employer becoming increasingly hostile, determined to defeat our members. While there, I pledged a $10,000 donation on behalf of CUPE National.

CUPE Local 2815: On November 14, Mark and I visited the picket line of CUPE 2815 in Gatineau. The local represents 214 members who have been locked out by Videotron’s Pierre Karl Péladeau who is seeking a collective agreement with reduced to no protection against subcontracting. There is nothing like a picket line in Quebec, always loud and with lots of energy. While there, I pledged a $10,000 donation on behalf of CUPE National.

Quebec Common Front: On November 22, I was in Montreal with Mark and NEB members Rory Gill, Stephen Drost, Ashley Clark, Sherry Hillier, and Patrick Gloutney to support 45,000 CUPE members in 37 CUPE locals representing public sector workers in health care, social services, and education. We visited several picket lines and thousands of members who are facing the Legault government in a historic Common Front of 420,000 public sector union members.  

Visiting picket lines and meeting members is always a highlight. Our National Strike Fund is strong, and our members are not scared of demanding more and better for their families and communities. It is a privilege to stand with them, support their demand, and express the strength and solidarity of our 740,000 CUPE members.    

Anti-Scab Legislation Now

On September 19, I was on Parliament Hill with Mark to speak at the Anti-Scab Rally organized by some of Quebec’s CUPE locals under federal jurisdiction. Federal Minister Seamus O’Regan spoke at the rally and made the commitment to table a federal anti-scab bill before the end of the year. This commitment was well-received by rally organizers, who have been advocating for such legislation for years, and who are living the impact of an unfair balance of power in the negotiation process.

On November 9, a federal anti-scab legislation was finally introduced. While this is a significant step in the right direction, the bill in its current form includes an 18-month waiting period before scabs are banned federally. This is unacceptable to our 80 members at CUPE 2614 (Port of Quebec City) locked out since September 15, 2022, and to our 214 members at CUPE 2815 (Videotron) locked out since October 30, 2023. We need strong anti-scab legislation, fully implemented now! We will work with the NDP through the committee hearing stages to fight for the necessary amendments.

1 Million March 4 Children Counter-Protest

Right-wing conservatives are using minorities and marginalized youth to instill fear in our society and generate support for their agenda of exclusion. Civil society organizations in the labour movement and elsewhere have a fundamental role to play in standing up against hate alongside our friends, colleagues, family, and community members who live in fear and are ostracized because of their gender identity. On September 20, I was proud to march alongside many NEB members in the “1 Million March 4 Children” counter-protest in Ottawa.

Zelenskyy’s Address to a Joint Session of Parliament

On September 22, I was in the House of Commons with the CLC Vice-President,
Larry Rousseau to hear President Volodymyr Zelenskyy address the Canadian Parliament. It was a unique opportunity, and I am thankful to the NDP for the invitation to attend.

Common Front Demonstration

On a beautiful and sunny September 23, Mark and I participated in what was undoubtedly the largest protest I have ever attended. Our 45,000 public sector CUPE members in Quebec are mobilized in a historic multi-union and province-wide Common Front of 420,000 members. More than 100,000 of these members and their supporters were in Montreal on September 23 for an immense show of resolve
to the Legault government. This massive mobilization was achieved after a long
and devastating COVID-19 pandemic that saw the Quebec government calling upon public sector workers – then called Guardian Angels – to put their health and safety at risk for the common good. With COVID-19 increasingly in the rearview mirror, the Quebec government’s offer to the angels is 10.3% over 5 years – clearly not enough to keep up with inflation. Legault’s bargaining position is absolutely shameful.    

Health Care Rally, Ontario

I was thrilled to join Ontario NEB members Fred Hahn, Michael Hurley, and Yolanda McClean along with dozens of CUPE locals who made their way to Queen’s Park for a giant rally organized by the Ontario Health Coalition on September 25. We were joined by many other unions, everyone out in force to show that we will fight back together against the Ford government’s mishandling of health care and their ongoing privatization efforts.

Ontario Health Care Workers’ Coordinating Committee (HCWCC) Conference, Windsor

It felt great to be back home with my own sector to address the HCWCC on the opening night of their annual conference, in Windsor, Ontario, on October 3. That dedicated group of CUPE activists and workers is the heart and soul of Ontario’s health system, in hospitals, home care, long-term care, retirement homes, public health units, and Local Health Integration Networks. They are tireless in their efforts to fight Doug Ford’s neglect and privatization.

Regina Rally in Support of Trans Kids

On October 10, I was able to join NEB members Judy Henly, Kent Peterson, Gina McKay and Karen Ranalletta along with several members and staff as we rallied at the Regina legislature against the Moe government. Premier Moe’s Conservative government is planning to deploy the notwithstanding clause to make life far less safe for trans kids in school, and several hundred people turned up to let him know we won’t let that happen without a fight.

APBC Annual Retirement Dinner

On November 5, it was a privilege to attend the Ambulance Paramedics and Emergency Dispatchers of British Columbia retirement gala. Along with the provincial Minister of Health, former BC NDP Cabinet Minister and CUPE President Judy Darcy, and Brother Hancock, I attended this moving ceremony, which falls during their annual convention. The ABPC does a great job of recognizing the important work their members perform while situating their work in the context of a vital public health system. They are stellar advocates on behalf of this crucial public service. Congratulations to newly elected President Jason Jackson and a big thank you to outgoing President Troy Clifford for his years of dedication and service.

OFL Convention

It was such a thrill to be in attendance as a dynamic school board sector leader Laura Walton was elected to the presidency of the Ontario Federation of Labour in Toronto. I was honoured to nominate Laura, who has a proven track record of taking on Doug Ford and winning. I know she will make CUPE members proud in this new role, and that she will organize and revitalize the labour movement in Ontario. I was also delighted to be able to celebrate CUPE member Janice Folk-Dawson, as she completed her second term as Executive Vice President of the OFL. Janice has secured the federal nomination for the NDP in her home riding of Guelph, Ontario, and I look forward to her strong voice on behalf of workers moving to parliament in the next election.

Safe Union Spaces

We have recently moved forward with a job posting to staff the Office for the Prevention of Sexual Harassment and Gender-based Violence. As we advance in the hiring process and mapping out our staffing needs for this office,
the members of the NEB will continue to be consulted.

I want to thank all of the members and staff who supported the many safe spaces initiatives that were put in place during our recent convention.

National Strike Fund Regulations Review

On February 24 and March 6, the NEB Sub-Committee tasked with reviewing the National Strike Fund Regulations will host online forums to hear directly from locals about potential changes required to the Regulations. This important feedback will be taken into consideration when preparing recommendations for the next National Strike Fund Regulations review.


Our 31st Biennial Convention brought together over 2,300 delegates, 114 guests, and 450 to 500 staff in Quebec City from October 23 to 27. It was an honour to present my first report to convention as National Secretary-Treasurer and I am so thankful for our members’ continued trust to lead our organization in the same role for the next two years. 

Our 60th-anniversary convention was a great success. Delegates adopted the strategic directions that will shape our union for the next two years, as well as 7 constitutional amendments, and 20 resolutions covering 9 others. The week also provided plenty of opportunities to recognize the great work accomplished by CUPE locals across the country and by the great activists in their midst who do so much for our members every day.

A number of initiatives were planned to create a safer space at our National Convention. The goal was to start a shift in our culture and move locals to take action in their own union spaces. Delegates were asked to take a pledge to honour the Code of Conduct and the Equality Statement and to bring their best self to convention. We offered four bystander intervention training sessions in which over 200 participants took part. We also offered a safe walk program for those staying at hotels within walking distance of the convention centre. We received many positive comments from delegates on these initiatives, and I am sincerely thankful to the staff that made all of this possible and such a great success.

Finally, this convention also brought to delegates many inspiring stories of great fights, political actions, and victories in Canada and elsewhere. We were privileged to hear from Bea Bruske and Jagmeet Singh, our friends and partners at the CLC and the NDP. Our convention was also richer for the contribution of other friends and allies in Canada and around the globe: Berenice Celeita Alayon of the Association for Research and Social Action in Columbia, Raymond Basilio of the Alliance of Concerned Teachers of the Philippines, Jean Bonald Golinsky Fatal of the Haitian Confederation of Public and Private Sector Workers, Arisleydis Hidalgo Leyva from Cuba’s National Union of Public Administration Workers, Leocadio Juracan Salome of the Campesino Committee of the Highlands of Guatemala, Gurdeep Pandher from the Yukon, Gauri Sreenivasan from the Canadian Council for Refugees, and Jessica Weinstein our partner at the American Federation of State, County and Municipal-Employees.

While I have attended many national conventions before, this one was very special for me as it was my first as National Secretary-Treasurer with the responsibilities that the role entails. I want to thank all of those who took part in the organization of the event, and in troubleshooting all its logistical complexities. Your work made the convention and the weeks that preceded it much easier for me and I’m deeply appreciative of all that effort. 


Along with the staff in the Finance & Administration Department and the NSTO, I have been working hard to finalize the budget proposal for 2024. I feel incredibly proud of the work that we have done to prepare a budget for the NEB. This budget is creative, progressive, forward-thinking and represents a historic investment in the servicing and political action work of the union. I am proud to table this budget with the NEB for their approval.



Statement of Financial Position 

Assets: The total assets in the General Fund at September 30, 2023 were $385.6 million compared to $363.3 million at December 31, 2022 and $348.3 million at September 30, 2022.

The bank balance at September 30, 2023 of $18.5 million is a $5.5 million decrease from the bank balance at December 31, 2022. The bank balance includes various internal cash reserves which are set aside for the 2023 convention, retirement payouts, future benefits funding, property maintenance and the Regional Building Fund.

Liabilities: The total liabilities in the General Fund were $327.1 million at September 30, 2023 compared to $316.4 million at December 31, 2022 and $299.7 million at September 30, 2022.

Employee Future Benefits: As at December 31, 2022 CUPE had recorded the full liability of $249.6 million on the Balance Sheet and had met the goal of the Employee Future Benefit Roadmap that was put in place in 2005. Since then, we have continued to book the expenses according to the budget through the first 9 months of the year. As of September 30, 2023 the liability recorded for employee future benefit stands at $262.5 million.

Fund Balance: The Fund Balance at September 30, 2023 is $58.5 million of which a total of $3.7 million is restricted as follows: Convention and National Events Assistance Fund $1.2 million and Regional Building Fund, $2.4 million. Of the remaining Fund Balance, we have invested $70.1 million in fixed assets leaving a negative unrestricted balance of $15.2 million.

This means that all the equity in the General Fund is spoken for either in terms of being allocated for a restricted purpose or tied up in fixed assets.

Statement of Operations

The operating surplus for the year to date is $11.7 million, compared to a budgeted deficit of $4.6 million.

Revenue: Per Capita revenue is over budget by $14 million and total revenue is above budget by $17.5 million.

Expenses: Total expenses are over budget by $1.2 million.

Salaries are over budget by $503,000, current benefits are over budget by $1.2 million and future benefits, excluding the provision to add the investment gains and losses to the liability, are over budget by $811,000. Directors and Representatives’ salaries are over budget by 0.6% or $325,000 while Administrative and Technical salaries are 2.9% or $288,000 over budget. Clerical salaries are under budget by 0.3% or $46,000. Vacation Relief is under budget by 4.2% or $66,000.

Operating Expenses

Cumulatively, the other operating expenses including Programs are $2.6 million under budget. Below are some of the more significant items:

  1. Overall programs for the national departments are $1.4 million under budget largely due to the timing of expenditures incurred.
  2. Strategic Directions is $1.4 million under budget to this point in the year.
  3. Fixed Staffing Costs are $770,000 under budget largely due to reduced vehicle travel so far in the year.
  4. Operational Travel costs are $1.8 million over budget due primarily to business travel continuing to come back in this post-COVID-19 world.


Statement of Financial Position

Assets: As at September 30, 2023, we have $31.9 million in Total Assets compared to $28.1 million at December 31, 2022. The cash balance at September 30, 2023 of $4.9 million is down $1.1 million compared to December 31, 2022. In addition, we have investments totalling $24.8 million on the books at September 30, 2023, up $5.3 million from December 31, 2022.

Liabilities: We have accounts payable and accrued liabilities of $712,000 at September 30, 2023 compared to $2.1 million at December 31, 2022. There  is also $12.4 million in cost-shared campaigns’ liabilities which have increased by $2.2 million from December 31, 2022. Finally, $242,000 is owed to the General Fund at September 30, 2023.

Fund Balance: At September 30, 2023, the Fund Balance was $18.5 million compared to $15.4 million at December 31, 2022.

Statement of Operations

At September 30, 2023, the Defence Fund had a surplus of $3.2 million.

Revenue: Total revenue at September 30th was $12.4 million.

Expenses: Total expenses for the nine months ending September 30th were $9.2 million as follows:

Cost-shared Campaigns: $4.2 million in cost-shared campaigns have been approved by the National Executive Board with an annual budget of $4.9 million. There was a recovery of $1.5 million in unused funds from prior years’ cost-shared campaigns that have been closed out during the first half of the year.

Major Organizing Expenses: Expenses were $2,921,393 against an annual budget of $4.575 million.

National Strategic Initiatives: Expenses were $1,683,454 against an annual budget of $2.85 million.

Regional Strategic Initiatives: Expenses were $442,894 with a budget for the year of $2.45 million.


Statement of Financial Position

Assets: Total assets in the National Strike Fund as of September 30, 2023, were $131.3 million, down $4.2 million from December 31, 2022. These assets consisted of $8.2 million in cash, $2.1 million in per capita receivable, and $118.7 million in investments.

Liabilities: We have accounts payable and accrued liabilities totalling $2.1 million, and an amount of $15,000 due to the Defence Fund.

Fund Balance: At September 30, 2023, the Fund Balance was $129.1 million, compared to $130.6 million at December 31, 2022.

Statement of Operations

At September 2023 the Fund had a deficit from operations of $1 million and unrealized losses of $430,000 bringing the net deficit to $1.4 million.

Revenue: Total Revenue including realized investment income, was $13.1 million.

Expenses: Total expenses at September 30th were $14.1 million as follows:

Strike Related Expenses:                      $10,585,615

Strike Averting Expenses:                     $2,466,136

Legal and Arbitration Expenses:            $433,846

Bargaining Rights Legal Challenges:     $600,000


CUPE members are standing up and demanding more and better all across the country. During the Q3 reporting period, the following locals were on strike,
or locked out:

NB – Local 486, City of Saint John

QC – Local 5454, Société québécoise du cannabis

QC – Local 2614, Société des arrimeurs du Québec (lockout)

QC – Local 301, Municipality of Westmount

ON – Local 905, Bradford West Gwillimbury Public Library

ON – Local 3314, Hastings Prince Edward Public Health

ON – Local 71, Town of Cochrane

ON – Local 2577, Family and Children’s Services of Lanark

SK – Local 882, Municipality of Prince Albert

BC – Local 561, First Canada ULC


At the date of writing this report, the following locals had been on strike or locked out in the current quarter:

Local 486 (NB) – City of Saint John, 140 inside workers on strike September 12, 2023, settled October 9, 2023.

Local 5454 (QC) – Société québécoise du cannabis, 150 members on strike May 17, 2022, settled November 13, 2023.

Local 2614 (QC) – Société des arrimeurs du Québec (longshore workers), 81 members locked out since September 15, 2022.

Local 2815 (QC) – Videotron, 214 members locked out since October 30, 2023.

Local 4545 (QC) – City of Laval, 850 outside workers on a one-day strike on November 7, 2023.

Local 1573 (QC) – Syndicat des fonctionnaires provinciaux du Québec, 48 members on a one-day strike on November 10, 2023.

Public Sector Locals (QC) – 45,000 members on strike on November 6, 21, 22 and 23, and December 8 to 14, 2023:

Local 311 – CISSS de l’Abitibi-Témiscamingue, 1,280 members

Local 899 – CRSSS de la Baie-James, 300 members

Local 1108 – CHUQ, 2,000 members

Local 1878 – Institut Nazareth et Louis-Braille, 33 members

Local 2115 – Centre Miriam, 70 members

Local 2442 – Centre d’accueil Saint-Joseph de-Lévis, 130 members

Local 2718 – Centre de la jeunesse Batshaw, 290 members

Local 2881 – CIUSSS de l’Ouest de l’île de Montréal, 3,500 members

Local 2960 – Institut Philippe-Pinel, 680 members

Local 3161 – Centre d’hébergement et de soins de longue durée Heather,
125 members

Local 3247 – CISSS de la Montérégie Ouest, 5,700 members

Local 3300 – Institut universitaire de cardiologie et pneumologie de Québec, 1,040 members

Local 4475 – CIUSS de l’Estrie, 5,700 members

Local 4628 – CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal, 2,800 members

Local 5007 – CISSS du Bas Saint-Laurent, 2,150 members

Local 5087 – Centre de santé Tulattavik de l’Ungava, 60 members

Local 5425 – CIUSSS de l’Est-de-l’Île-de-Montréal, 2,300 members

Local 3280 – CSS des Grandes Seigneuries, 1,900 members

Local 4296 – CSS de la Seigneurie-des-Mille-Îles, 280 members

Local 1821 – CSS de Laval, 360 members

Local 317 – CSS de Rouyn-Noranda, 250 members

Local 1366 – CSS de l’Or-et-des-Bois, 375 members

Local 2057 – CSS des Affluents, 2,650 members

Local 1993 – CÉGEP Marie-Victorin, 125 members

Local 2244 – Collège de Valleyfield, 135 members

Local 5222 – CSS de Laval, des Affluents, et de la Seigneurie-des-Milles-Îles, 1,050 members.

Local 1911 – CSS du Lac-Témiscamingue, 130 members

Local 1538 – CSS Marie-Victorin, 280 members

Local 2222 – CSS de la Pointe-de-l’Île, 300 members

Local 1296 – CSS de la Capitale, 1,900 members

Local 1208 – CSS Marguerite-Bourgeoys, 450 members

Local 1412 – Collège Maisonneuve, 160 members

Local 1340 – CSS de Portneuf, 380 members

Local 1105 – Collège de l’Abitibi-Témiscamingue, 145 members

Local 1365 – CSS de la Baie-James, 190 members

Local 3259 – CSS de Saint-Hyacinthe, 1,100 members

Local 1679 – CSS Rivière-du-Nord, 210 members

Local 905 (ON) – Bradford West Gwillimbury Public Library, 36 members on strike July 21, 2023. The strike ended on October 4, 2023, when the local was ordered to first contract arbitration by the OLRB.

Local 3314 (ON) – Hastings Prince Edward Public Health, 70 public health workers on strike September 22, 2023, settled October 4, 2023.

Local 53 (ON) – City of Whitby, 495 members on strike October 14, 2023, settled November 14, 2023.

Local 1490 (ON) – Town of Black River-Matheson, 12 members locked out since October 15, 2023.

Local 136 (ON) – Town of Oakville, 250 members on strike November 2, 2023, settled November 10, 2023.

Local 882 (SK) – Municipality of Prince Albert, 100 members on strike since September 11, 2023. A tentative agreement was ratified by the membership on December 1, 2023. The Employer’s ratification vote is scheduled to take place on December 11. The Union will remain on strike until then.


For the quarter ended September 2023, the total arrears were $8,617,430 which was an increase of $247,429 or 2.96% from the previous quarter ended June 2023. Total arrears have decreased by 25.3% as compared to September 2022. Overall arrears per member are $11.93, a decrease from $16.58 at September 2022. Arrears per member are calculated based on the December 31, 2022 twelve-month average membership of 722,183.


Member Relationship Management System (MRMS) Enhancements

The IT development team continues to be focused on enhancing the MRMS Local Union Information (LUI) module by designing and building new reporting capabilities including analytical reporting. These new enhancements are tentatively scheduled to be released in Q1 of 2024.

In the MRM Event (EM) module, enhancements are being implemented based on observations and lessons learned from the recent National Convention in Quebec City.

The IT development team is also implementing new enhancements identified by the Union Education Branch with a release scheduled for the end of November. 

Accounting System Replacement

CUPE’s current financial accounting system has been serving CUPE for nearly 20 years and is now quite outdated. Microsoft has also announced that it will be discontinuing support of this software soon.

We are moving to a system called Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations (F&O). The project to implement Dynamics 365 F&O is now well underway with implementation targeted in Q2 of 2024.

Per Capita Tax System Replacement (will be renamed LRS, Local Remittance System)

CUPE’s current, in-house developed PCT system has been serving CUPE well for 10+ years and needs to be replaced due to both challenges in meeting new requirements and technological obsolescence. A portion of a PCT system overlaps with an accounting system and given the replacement of CUPE’s Accounting system is also underway, we will be taking this opportunity to create a more automated integration between the new LRS and the new accounting system.

The project to implement the new LRS is now well underway with LRS implementation targeted for Q2 of 2024 in conjunction with the new accounting system.


The HR team is working on finalizing the questionnaire to capture self-identification data for employees for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion which will then be implemented in Avanti.

The team is working on enabling employees to view their vacation balances through Avanti self-service to eliminate the need for annual Vacation Statements. This was implemented in November 2023.

Information Management (IM) Solution – CUPEDocs

The CUPEDocs implementation at the National Office is complete. Since the beginning of the solution rollout, over 172 staff have been trained on the solution premised on Teams and SharePoint.

CUPE’s workflow can now be streamlined as users can now quickly filter and sort documents according to their respective types and simplify the retrieval of specific documents.

Moreover, the groundwork has been laid for CUPE’s retention and disposition schedule of electronic files which will enable content lifecycle management. The project team is currently looking to launch this feature before the end of 2023.

The project team is also working on some other related projects such as Teams for the CUPE Leadership groups and training materials for all staff.

The next phase for the CUPEDocs team is to continue discussing and planning the rollout to the regions which is targeted to start in late 2023 with the work continuing into 2024 until all regions are working on the CUPEDocs solution.

End User IT Infrastructure / IT Security

CUPE’s ageing fleet of Xerox multi-function printers/copiers has been upgraded with an overall reduction in the number of devices deployed as current volumes of printing/copying/scanning have been trending downwards with less users accessing these devices along with the shift to more remote work.

CUPE will begin working with a new cyber security awareness solution called Safe Titan, and will commence annual ongoing, mandatory cybersecurity awareness training for all users before the end of the year. Training allows CUPE IT to equip employees with a solid understanding of phishing, ransomware, and various cyber threats while giving them the ability to recognize and respond to those threats. With the increased threat of security breaches, it is imperative that all CUPE employees continue to be vigilant. As a condition of our cybersecurity insurance policy, CUPE staff must train annually.

In today’s world of IT security threats, viruses and malware are now also targeting smartphones. CUPE has rolled out an anti-malware solution for smartphones used by staff.

IT is currently testing biometric options for stronger authentication and simplified password procedures. This along with rolling out an annual cybersecurity awareness training program is designed to ensure CUPE’s IT investments are continually protected against cyber threats.


We are in the process of implementing a new standard office design which aligns with post-COVID-19 work environments and will better serve our operational requirements. The property management team will start rolling out this new design in 2024 as we relocate leased offices and renovate owned facilities.

During this fourth quarter of the year, we secured new leases in Edmonton and Regina, and renewed existing leases in Niagara and Lethbridge. We are currently reviewing various options regarding leases coming to term in St. John’s, Sydney, Kitchener, Peterborough, Pembroke, and Grande Prairie.

We have ongoing leasehold improvement projects in Sudbury, New Glasgow, and Victoria, and for the expanded space at the Manitoba Regional Office. We recently completed new leasehold improvements in Oshawa and Dauphin. 

We are also performing capital investments in several of our properties, including a major HVAC upgrade and major exterior repairs at the Ontario Regional Office, and numerous security systems upgrades throughout the portfolio.


The Joint Board of Trustees will hold its last scheduled meeting of the year on December 6 and 7. The Trustees will discuss, amongst other things, the assumptions and methods for the Actuarial Valuation of the CEPP as at January 1, 2024. The Trustees will also meet with Investment Managers of the Plan with the main objective of reviewing the investment activities of the year and the strategies for the coming year.

As at January 1, 2023, the market solvency ratio is equal to 93.6%, after considering the 2023 indexation. As at September 1, 2023, the projected market value solvency ratio has increased to 95.7%.

The 2023 Pre-Retirement Planning Seminars were delivered by Zoom again this year. Seminars were held on October 1, and on November 18, 25, and 28 to provide participants with information on the psychological aspects of retirement, an overview of the CEPP and government-sponsored pension programs, and information on financial planning.

The fall 2023 CEPP newsletter Pension Connection will be sent to all participants in December and will be available on the CEPP website at:


Jean-Guy Simard, Quebec Regional Office, September 1, 2023

Nicole C. Monahan, Administration Branch, September 1, 2023

Daniel S. Scheibli, Oshawa Area Office, December 1, 2023

Custodio J. Oliveira, Hamilton Area Office, December 1, 2023

Carmelle Chartier, Manitoba Regional Office, January 1, 2024

Terri A. Nolan, Peterborough Area Office, January 1, 2024

Deborah M. Mihial, Saskatchewan Regional Office, January 1, 2024

Walter Devoe, Ontario Regional Office, February 1, 2024

Heather L. Farrow, Research, Job Evaluation, Health and Safety Branch, February 1, 2024

Holly E. Bruns, Research, Job Evaluation, Health and Safety Branch, February 1, 2024

Manon Lajoie, Communications Branch, February 1, 2024

Daniel G. Bernier, Quebec Regional Office, February 1, 2024

Alex W. Lenko, Saskatchewan Regional Office, February 1, 2024

Gayle D. Bunch, Alberta Regional Office, February 1, 2024

Daniel Gawthrop, B.C. Regional Office, February 1, 2024

Suzanne Savage, Information Technology Branch, March 1, 2024

Suzanne G. Hotson, Research, Job Evaluation, Health and Safety Branch, March 1, 2024

France Pitre, Quebec Area Office, April 1, 2024


The year is already coming to an end, and I hope that the upcoming holiday season will provide the rest necessary to tackle the many challenges that we will be facing next year. 2024 will be an important year for progressives. Our members will continue to fight for better contracts, and many governments will continue to curtail their capacity to do so. A federal election is also looming, the impact of which could be deep and long-term for the labour movement, our communities, and our society. Events taking place across the world, including wars, the election of extreme right-wing governments, and the increasing use of a rhetoric of intolerance, hate, and violence is very troubling, and it must instill a sense of urgency in the work we do. The labour movement must be a leader in the fight for justice and against hate and intolerance, and CUPE must be a leader in the labour movement.

There’s a lot of work ahead of us. I wish you all a restful and happy holiday season and a rabble-rousing year in 2024.

Respectfully submitted by,      


National Secretary-Treasurer