Our National Executive Board met September 19-21, 2023 in Ottawa, with some members joining virtually. These are the highlights of their deliberations and decisions.

In Memory

The National Executive Board (NEB) observed a minute of silence to reflect on the members of our CUPE family lost in the last four months. Remembered were:
Leo Cheverie, Local 1870; Evérard “Bozo” Bourgoin, Local 886; Terry Egan, Former CUPE Manitoba President; Raymond Léger, retired staff; Kenneth McClelland, retired staff; Royle Harris, retired staff.

New Member of the National Executive Board

Following the resignation from the Board in June of Leonard Gallant, and in keeping with the National Constitution, Ashley Clark was duly elected and sworn in as the new Regional Vice-President representing Prince Edward Island. The Board welcomed Ashley and wished Leonard well in his pending retirement.

National Convention

The National Executive Board discussed preparations for the upcoming National Convention, being held October 23-27 in Québec City, reviewed the convention program, and approved a draft of the Strategic Directions to be debated and adopted by convention delegates.

Humanitarian Support

In the wake of a devastating earthquake in Morocco and catastrophic flooding in Libya earlier this month, the NEB approved a special contribution of $50,000 to Islamic Relief Canada in support of their humanitarian and relief efforts in the impacted communities.

Financial Support 

The National Executive Board approved 24 cost-share campaign requests totaling $1,732,446.25, eight requests for legal and arbitration support totaling $433,766.91, and one request for legal support through the strike fund to preserve collective bargaining rights in the amount of $50,000.