Our National Executive Board met September 17 - 19, 2019 in Ottawa. These are the highlights of their deliberations and decisions.
In Memory
The National Executive Board (NEB) observed a minute of silence to reflect on
the members of our CUPE family lost in the last four months. Remembered were: Lorraine Evette Belanger, Local 5271; Henry Montpellier, Local 4705; Gordon (Cody) Cote, Local 709; Rick Bourre, Local 4807; Michel Ethier, Local 503; William Rose,
Local 416; Donald Anthony Watts, Retired Secretary-Treasurer of CUPE Ontario;
Lynn McKenzie, retired staff; Margaret Rose, retired staff; Jean-Marie Beaudry, retired staff; Melanie Medlicott, retired staff; Michel Sauvé, retired staff; Ken Signoretti, former Executive Vice-President of the Ontario Federation of Labour; John Rafferty, former NDP MP, Thunder Bay-Rainy River.
Regional Vice-Presidents
As is our practice for RVP vacancies between national conventions, chartered bodies
in BC and PEI were asked for nominations to serve the remainder of the term.
Brother Trevor Davies was sworn in as a new Regional Vice-President representing British Columbia, and Brother Leonard Gallant was sworn in as our new Regional
Vice-President representing Prince Edward Island.
Global Climate Week of Action
The Board passed a resolution supporting the Global Climate Week of Action being held September 20 – 27 and encourages members to participate in local actions in their communities. We know that the impacts of the climate crisis will be felt first and most profoundly by working people across the country and around the world, and it is important that workers join the movement for climate justice.
Federal Election
The NEB heard from CUPE’s Senior Economist about the state of the economy and how economic issues were being addressed by various parties in the federal election campaign. By making the rich pay their fair share of taxes, and closing tax loopholes, the government will have the revenue they need to expand public services. Universal Pharmacare, free dental care, and access to affordable housing can improve life for workers and will strengthen the economy. Sister Angella MacEwan is also the NDP candidate for Ottawa – West Nepean, and Board members wished her well in her campaign.
National Convention
The National Executive Board reviewed the program and events being planned for the upcoming National Convention in Montréal, approved convention committees, and had extensive discussions about the 2019 – 2021 Strategic Directions paper to be presented to delegates for consideration. At the time of our meeting, almost 2,000 delegates had registered for convention.
Canadian Labour Congress
The Board reviewed the Report of the CLC Constitutional Review Commission. They discussed the importance of the next CLC convention, and the need to work towards change, both in terms of constitutional amendments and also electing new leadership. The triennial CLC convention is being held in Vancouver May 4 – 8, 2020, and it will be important that we have a strong CUPE delegation in attendance. Watch for more information in December.
Financial Support
The National Executive Board approved 12 cost-share campaign requests totaling $554,345.50, and 13 requests for legal and arbitration support were approved, totaling $480,731.71.