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The Ontario Council of Hospital Unions (OCHU)/CUPE is encouraging CUPE locals to sign up for two Toronto conferences on Saturday, June 19th. Both will take place at:

252 Bloor St. West
7th Floor
Peace Room

Admission is free. Registration is not required.

The two conferences are:

  • Starving Health Care
    Sponsored by: OCHU/CUPE, OCAP, the Ontario Health Coalition, The Stop Community Food Centre, The Toronto Workers’ Assembly, Colin Leys

9:00 am - 11:30 am
Cutting the special diet allowance: health and the defunding of social assistance

12:30 am - 3:00 am
Creeping privatization in hospital clinical care: lessons from the UK

  • Bargaining in an Era of Wage Restraint: Re-thinking Strategies for the Public Sector
    Organized by: The Toronto Workers’ Assembly

3:30 pm - 6:30 pm

-What does McGuinty’s “wage freeze” legislation mean for unions?
-How can workers fight to defend our jobs AND high-quality public services?
-How can we build unity among the workers who provide public services and the people who need them?

Join us for an informational workshop to:

1. Understand the nature of the assault on the public sector.

2. Respond to rhetoric that pits workers against the public.

3. Explore new ways to build unity and protect jobs and services.