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I <3 public servicesThe United Nations recognizes Public Service Day on June 23. It is a global day for workers to celebrate and advocate for quality public services. The global trade union federation Public Services International (PSI) also celebrates the day, and CUPE is a member of PSI.

Public services are the backbone of our communities and our country. Around the clock, 365 days a year, CUPE members provide housing services, child care, safe clean water, education, social services, health care and many other vital services that help build better, more equal, societies.

To mark the day this year, PSI is highlighting the growing trend to end privatization and bring work back in house. Step by step, service by service, workers and communities are taking back public services in Canada and around the world.

CUPE supports our members taking on privatization in many ways. We negotiate and enforce collective agreements that prevent privatization and bring work back in house. We also do research on the benefits of in-house services, and the dangers of privatization.

Our work to bring services back in house is founded on strong coalitions with people who depend on public services. We also elect and engage with politicians and other decision-makers, building support for public services. And – most importantly – we never give up.

On June 23, and every day, CUPE celebrates our members and the public services they provide and fight to protect.

When we take back public services from corporations, everyone wins. Costs are lower, and services aren’t provided for profit. Workers have good, safe jobs. Everyone has the best quality service. Human rights and labour rights are respected. And services are accountable to the community.

Together, let’s keep working to end privatization in every CUPE workplace.

Visit cupe.ca/privatization for privatization news and resources, and People over Profit, PSI’s anti-privatization campaign hub.