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If you need to find out which ward you live in, you can find ward maps at the city of Hamilton map gallery. Click on the name or e-mail address of your councillor to send them e-mail immediately.

Ward Councillor Phone & Fax E-Mail Address
Mayor Larry Di Ianni Phone: (905)546-4200 Fax:(905)546-2340 mayordiianni@hamilton.ca
Ward 1 Brian McHattie Phone: (905)546-2416 Fax:(905)546-2535bmchattie@hamilton.ca
Ward 2 Andrea Horwath Phone: (905)546-2711 Fax:(905)546-2535ahorwath@hamilton.ca
Ward 3 Bernie Morelli Phone: (905)546-2702 Fax:(905)546-2535bmorelli@hamilton.ca
Ward 4 Sam Merulla Phone: (905)546-4512 Fax:(905)546-2535smerulla@hamilton.ca
Ward 5 Chad Collins Phone: (905)546-2716 Fax:(905)546-2535ccollins@hamilton.ca
Ward 6 Tom Jackson Phone: (905)546-2707 Fax:(905)546-2535tjackson@hamilton.ca
Ward 7 Bill Kelly Phone: (905)546-2706 Fax:(905)546-2535bkelly@hamilton.ca
Ward 8 Terry Whitehead Phone: (905)546-2712 Fax:(905)546-2535twhitehead@hamilton.ca
Ward 9 Phil Bruckler Phone: (905)546-2703 Fax:(905)546-2535pbruckler@hamilton.ca
Ward 10 Maria Pearson Phone: (905)546-2701 Fax:(905)546-2535mpearson@hamilton.ca
Ward 11 David Mitchell Phone: (905)546-4513 Fax:(905)546-2535dmitchel@hamilton.ca
Ward 12 Murray Ferguson Phone: (905)546-2704 Fax:(905)546-2535mferguson@hamilton.ca
Ward 13 Russ Powers Phone: (905)546-2714 Fax:(905)546-2535rpowers@hamilton.ca
Ward 14 Dave Braden Phone: (905)546-2705 Fax:(905)546-2535dbraden@hamilton.ca
Ward 15 Margaret McCarthy Phone: (905)546-2713 Fax:(905)546-2535mmccarth@hamilton.ca