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Applications are invited for the position of Senior Human Rights Officer – Indigenous Issues at the National Office of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), located in Ottawa, Ontario. Under the direction of the Human Rights Branch Director, this position is responsible for advancing work on issues and services important to Indigenous workers in Canada, and other equity and human rights issues and services at all levels of the Union. Applications are due no later than January 12, 2022. 


  • Provide expertise and support on equity and human rights issues, with a focus on Indigenous issues, for national campaigns and initiatives. 
  • Provide advice and support on equity and human rights issues as required by the CUPE National Officers and other elected officers. 
  • Analyse and report on equity- and Indigenous-related legislation, reports, policies and procedures to CUPE staff and members.   
  • Conduct research on Indigenous issues and other equity and human rights issues as required and develop national materials. 
  • Provide resources and services to the National Indigenous Council, other CUPE National committees, as well as CUPE Division Committees which deal with Indigenous issues and other equity issues. 
  • Provide advice and support to national and regional staff on equity and human rights issues. 
  • Prepare, advise on and facilitate workshops and training sessions for CUPE staff, members and elected CUPE officials on anti-oppression, human rights, and equity issues.  
  • Liaise on Indigenous and other human rights issues with other national and international unions, community-based organizations, governments, boards, commissions, and task forces, as required.  
  • Develop and coordinate campaigns and other initiatives, prepare and present briefings, policy statements, articles, CUPE publications, and other materials as required.  
  • Assist in the planning and coordination of national human rights and equity conferences and events. 
  • Evaluate and make recommendations on requests for funding and endorsements from ally organizations. 
  • Perform other related duties as may be assigned. 


This position requires a highly motivated individual with considerable experience in providing professional support and advice on Indigenous issues and other workplace equity and human rights issues and services. Proven leadership abilities, strategic skills, and a strong intersectional analysis of complex issues are essential. Sound judgement, resourcefulness and flexibility within a highly challenging political environment are also key requirements. 

The incumbent must also possess: 

  • A university degree in social sciences or a related field, or equivalent experience. 
  • Knowledge, experience in and commitment to the trade union movement and human rights struggles. 
  • In-depth knowledge and understanding of the policies, programs, structure, function and objectives of CUPE. 
  • Knowledge, experience and skills required to develop and communicate CUPE’s positions on equity and human rights issues (e.g., pay equity, employment equity, racism, disability, heterosexism, genderism, harassment and other equality issues) to members and staff, the labour movement, government-appointed bodies, organizations engaged in similar work, and the general public where required. 
  • Lived experience as an Indigenous worker and experience working with Indigenous communities. 
  • Thorough knowledge and understanding of government legislation, policies, agencies and commissions as they relate to Indigenous issues, human rights, employment equity, and other issues affecting equity-seeking groups. 
  • Demonstrated ability to do independent research, to prepare briefs and presentations, and to develop other materials appropriate to the goals of CUPE’s policies and programs. 
  • Strong communication skills in English, including the ability to speak and write clearly and succinctly in a variety of settings, styles and media. 
  • Exemplary interpersonal and relationship-building skills. 
  • Demonstrated ability to effectively use new media and current technology, such as Word, Excel, Twitter, Facebook, Listserv, file management systems and databases and online meeting platforms. 
  • Ability to read, write and speak in French would be an asset. 
  • Free to travel and work weekends and holidays, as required. 

CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT as set out in the collective agreement between CUPE and the Canadian Staff Union National Office Component. 

WEEKLY SALARY RANGE: $2,318.94 to $2,392.37 

Persons interested should send a cover letter and a recent copy of their resume to the Human Resources Department at hr@cupe.ca, no later than January 12, 2022.   

As part of its commitment to Employment Equity, CUPE encourages applications from qualified members of the five designated groups:  women, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, racialized people and LGBTQ2+ people. Accommodations are available on request for candidates taking part in all aspects of the selection process.