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Tom Mulcair, leader of the New Democratic Party of Canada

OTTAWA – Canada’s largest union is reaffirming its support of Tom Mulcair, leader of the New Democratic Party of Canada. In a unanimous resolution, the leadership of the Canadian Union of Public Employees has pledged to work with Mr. Mulcair to rebuild and refocus the NDP.

“Tom Mulcair is a truly progressive voice for CUPE members and all working people,” said Mark Hancock, national president of CUPE. “Tom has always been a strong voice for working people and a supporter of public services. We are proud to continue our support of his leadership and vision for a better Canada.”

CUPE’s National Executive Board, representing over 635,000 members across Canada, passed the resolution at a recent meeting in Ottawa.

“CUPE is committed to standing behind Tom Mulcair,” said Charles Fleury, national secretary-treasurer of CUPE. “With the support of CUPE members, Tom and his NDP caucus will hold the federal Liberal government to account in the House of Commons.”

For more information:

Greg Taylor
CUPE National Media Relations
613 818-0067