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A decent job with decent wages today and tomorrow. That’s what’s at stake.

CUPE members are under mounting pressure from employers across Canada who are using privatization - or the threat of privatization - to cut jobs or force concessions.

This trend has increased as corporations become more aggressive in trying to take over public services. Especially worrisome is the power these new corporate pirates wield. Gone are the days when privateers were mainly “mom and pop” operators looking for a piece of the local government pie. Today’s privatizers are more likely huge transnational corporations, like Laidlaw, ServiceMaster, Marriott and Extendicare.

Once such companies obtain long-term contracts or achieve outright privatization, it is extremely difficult to transfer services back into the public realm.

For workers, privatization threatens job security, wages and benefits, and working conditions. For the public, it means less quality, access and accountability. For the local economy, it means fewer good jobs, more user fees and fewer local benefits.

Privatization is bad for workers, for public services and for local communities.

The purpose of this guide is to help fight all forms of outsourcing, from contracting out to full privatization. Please choose one of the following options to download a copy of the guide:

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