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Sep 27, 2024 | Ontario Regional Office, Markham, Ontario | English
This workshop will interest you if your Local is thinking about a joint job evaluation program for pay equity purposes, or if you have new joint pay equity committee members. It covers topics such as collection of job information, rating jobs, weights, banding, selection of male comparators, job-to-job and proportional value comparisons and achieving/ maintaining pay equity. The workshop will utilize the CUPE Gender Neutral Generic Tool to rate a job by looking at the different sub-factors for purposes of Job Evaluations. We will also discuss Job Analysis Questionnaires and roles of the raters.
Oct 3, 2024 | CUPE Sault Ste Marie Area Office, Sault Ste Marie, Ontario | English | $10 (Affiliate) | $15 (Non-affiliate)
This workshop is for all members in an elected position within the local union. Whether you are a trustee or a member of the executive, learning about the basics of the local union’s finances is a priority. In this workshop, you will learn about your duties regarding the finances of the union, budgeting and how to be transparent and accountable to members. 

NOTE: This workshop is a pre-requisite for Secretary-Treasurers and Trustees wishing to take LET - Financial Officers.
October 7 - 11, 2024 | CUPE Ottawa Valley Area Office, Pembroke, Ontario | English | $140 (Affiliate) | $140 (Non-affiliate)
This 30 hour course is for those who work as or desire to work as Return to Work Specialists. The course focuses on the process of helping injured workers return to work as quickly and safely as possible, with dignity and job security. Topics include: identifying and overcoming barriers in the RTW process, determining essential duties, identifying and offering short term and long term suitable work, how to develop accommodation and job restructuring plans, worker obligations, disability related legal principles including the duty to accommodate, the employers’ obligation under legislation, contract language, RTW committees, Labour Market Re-entry services and RTW mediation. Graduates of this course will be prepared to immediately impact on re-employment at their individual workplaces. Their contributions can result in significant cost savings for the employer and the Board alike. Pre-requisites are Level I and II ODRT courses or equivalency.
October 19 - 20, 2024 | Brock University - International Centre, St Catharines, Ontario | English | $75 (Affiliate) | $100 (Non-affiliate)
Niagara CUPE Council School Fall 2024
Oct 19, 2024 | Windsor, Ontario | English | $50
What does a CUPE steward do? If you are a new steward and want to learn how to help CUPE members solve workplace problems, this introductory workshop is for you!

In this workshop, you will learn:
• investigating workplace problems;
• filing a grievance;
• meeting with management;
• dealing with workplace complaints.

NOTE: Please bring a copy of your collective agreement to the workshop.
Nov 4, 2024 | Brock University - International Centre, St Catharines, Ontario | English
What does a CUPE steward do? If you are a new steward and want to learn how to help CUPE members solve workplace problems, this introductory workshop is for you!

In this workshop, you will learn:
• investigating workplace problems;
• filing a grievance;
• meeting with management;
• dealing with workplace complaints.

NOTE: Please bring a copy of your collective agreement to the workshop.
November 9 - 10, 2024 | Windsor Area Office, Windsor, Ontario | English | $75
This workshop is about following rules of order when chairing union meetings. Learn about the role of the chair and the different elements (motions, amendments, points of order, etc.). Get a chance to put the learning into practice.

NOTE: Please bring a copy of your local bylaws to the workshop.

Nov 13, 2024 | CUPE Local 5167 Office, Hamilton, Ontario | English | $20
What does a CUPE steward do? If you are a new steward and want to learn how to help CUPE members solve workplace problems, this introductory workshop is for you!

In this workshop, you will learn:
• investigating workplace problems;
• filing a grievance;
• meeting with management;
• dealing with workplace complaints.

NOTE: Please bring a copy of your collective agreement to the workshop.
Nov 14, 2024 | Online, Online, Ontario | English
This online workshop covers what racism looks like in our society and in our union, and your role in challenging it.

Participation in this online workshop qualifies for a stamp in the passport for the Stewart Learning Series (SLS) for Challenging Racism in the Workplace.
Nov 25, 2024 | Online, Online, Ontario | English
In this online workshop, you will share tips and successful practices with other stewards, and learn strategies for handling difficult grievances.

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