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May 26 - 31, 2024

If you are registering on behalf of members please ensure to provide the email address of the member who is attending for communication reasons.

If you are registering for Steward Learning Series or Advanced Grievance Handling series please note you MUST have completed Introduction to Stewarding workshop. If you have not completed this your registration will automatically be cancelled.



On behalf of CUPE Union Education and CUPE BC, thank you for registering to be a part of our Spring 2024 Weeklong School being held in Kamloops, BC from May 26 - 31, 2024.

Hotel check-in and School Registration will open / start at 3:00 pm on Sunday, May 26.

Workshops will run from:
Mon - Thu 9:00 am to 4:30 pm (Pacific) with breaks during the day.
Friday from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm (Pacific) will be review of the week and closing ceremony.

Collective Bargaining - Level 1 (CLC)
May 27 (9:00am) - 30, 2024 (4:30pm)

Participants will leave with a solid understanding of the bargaining process and the factors that affect collective bargaining. This course also introduces some of the laws and rules that structure the bargaining process and provides opportunities for hands-on practice and skills development in preparing for and negotiating parts of a collective agreement. This course is aimed at new bargaining committee members and local union officers.


SLS - Notetaking
May 27, 2024 (9:00am-12:00pm (Pacific))

Why do I have to take notes? What kind of notes should I take? Are my notes private? Learn answers to important questions like these, and practice notetaking.

SLS - Representing members in front of management
May 27, 2024 (1:00pm-4:30pm (Pacific))

This module equips stewards to be proactive when meeting with management. Learn tips for effective meetings, and build confidence by practicing meeting situations.

SLS - Grievance handling
May 28, 2024 (9:00am-12:00pm (Pacific))

Share tips and successful practices with other stewards, and learn strategies for handling difficult grievances. NOTE: Please bring your collective agreement and Steward Handbook to the workshop.

SLS - Creating accommodation-friendly workplaces
May 28, 2024 (1:00pm-4:30pm (Pacific))

Learn the legal framework for the duty to accommodate, what a good accommodation process and plan look like, and what to do if the employer is not willing to provide reasonable accommodation. NOTE: Please bring your Steward Handbook to the workshop.

SLS - HS - Preventing Mental Injuries at Work
May 29, 2024 (9:00am-12:00pm (Pacific))

New forms of work, job insecurity, work intensification, high demands, violence and a resulting poor work-life balance are resulting in psychosocial and mental health problems in CUPE workplaces. This module focuses on the workplace as the cause or a contributor to mental health issues, and not the individual. Discuss strategies and actions that actually help make workplaces psychologically healthier and safer.

SLS - Handling discipline and discharge
May 29, 2024 (1:00pm-4:30pm (Pacific))

Learn about key legal concepts and terms, and the role of stewards during an employer’s investigation, when discipline is given, and during grievance meetings. NOTE: Please bring your collective agreement and Steward Handbook to the workshop.

SLS - Challenging racism in the workplace
May 30, 2024 (9:00am-12:00pm (Pacific))

This workshop covers what racism looks like in the workplace, and your role as a steward in challenging it.

SLS - Mediating member-to-member conflict
May 30, 2024 (1:00pm-4:30pm (Pacific))

Practice coaching members who are in conflict with other members, and work with a four-step approach to basic mediation.

Anti-Harassment and Bystander Training
May 27, 2024 (9:00am-12:00pm (Pacific))

When we are disrespected in our union, or when harm, harassment, and discrimination happen we are unsafe. We would not accept it from our supervisors and managers at work, and it is not ok in our union space. When we witness others being harmed, oppressed or injured, we can intervene in safe and effective ways before, during, or after a harassing or violent situation. In this 3-hour workshop, learn and practice how to intervene.

LET - Leading as a Team
May 27, 2024 (1:00pm-4:30pm (Pacific))

In this workshop, executive teams explore power and responsibility that comes with it, how we work in teams and how to balance our leadership styles to engage the membership and work effectively across diversity.

LET - Duty of Fair Representation
May 28, 2024 (9:00am-12:00pm (Pacific))

Learn about your local's duty to represent the members in your union, the legal requirements of fair representation and how it applies to your collective agreement and other laws covering your workplace.

LET - Bylaw Essentials
May 28, 2024 (1:00pm-4:30pm (Pacific))

Good bylaws are an essential component of a well-functioning local. In this workshop, you will learn the principles of good bylaws and how to make sure they are in compliance with CUPE's national constitution. We'll also look at how clear language bylaws help our members get involved in the work of the union. NOTE: Please bring your local bylaws to the workshop.

LET - Parliamentary Procedure
May 29, 2024 (9:00am-4:30pm (Pacific))

This workshop is about following rules of order when chairing union meetings. Learn about the role of the chair and the different elements (motions, amendments, points of order, etc.). Get a chance to put the learning into practice. NOTE: Please bring a copy of your local bylaws to the workshop.

LET - Conflict-Ready Executives
May 30, 2024 (9:00am-12:00pm (Pacific))

In this workshop, participants will explore: - The value of conflict for effective groups - How our beliefs about conflict shape how we respond - The kinds of conflict executives struggle with - Productive ways to resolve conflict on an executive

LET - Financial Essentials
May 30, 2024 (1:00pm-4:30pm (Pacific))

This workshop is for all members in an elected position within the local union. Whether you are a trustee or a member of the executive, learning about the basics of the local union’s finances is a priority. In this workshop, you will learn about your duties regarding the finances of the union, budgeting and how to be transparent and accountable to members.  NOTE: This workshop is a pre-requisite for Secretary-Treasurers and Trustees wishing to take LET - Financial Officers.

LET - Financial Essentials
May 27 (9:00am) - 28, 2024 (4:30pm)

This workshop is for all members in an elected position within the local union. Whether you are a trustee or a member of the executive, learning about the basics of the local union’s finances is a priority. In this workshop, you will learn about your duties regarding the finances of the union, budgeting and how to be transparent and accountable to members.  NOTE: This workshop is a pre-requisite for Secretary-Treasurers and Trustees wishing to take LET - Financial Officers.

LET - Financial Officers
May 29 (9:00am) - 30, 2024 (4:30pm)

Following the completion of LET - Financial Essentials, this 6-hour workshop allows Secretary-treasurers and Trustees to delve deeper into local finances. Secretary-treasures will learn how to use the CUPE electronic ledger, manage the local union's funds and accounts, and prepare reports to the membership and the trustees. Trustees will learn how to properly perform an audit of the local union's books, accounts, properties, and assets. At the end of this workshop, Trustees will be able to make recommendations to the local union to improve the local union's financial health. NOTE: Please bring a laptop, if possible.


Advanced Grievance Handling: Building the best case from Grievance to Arbitration
May 27 (9:00am) - 30, 2024 (4:30pm)

This workshop will teach participants about how to best prepare grievances to increase their local's chances of success at arbitration. This advanced workshop is geared to experienced stewards, chief shop stewards and Local Executive members.

Apr 12, 2024

Coast Kamloops Hotel and Conference Centre
1250 Rogers Way
Kamloops, British Columbia



Your registration is not final until payment is received. Payment is due to us 1 week after registration is submitted. If payment is not received by then; the spot will be automatically cancelled and given to the next person on waitlist.

Please make cheques payable out to: Canadian Union of Public Employees.

DO NOT make cheques payable out to CUPE BC; these cannot be accepted and will be returned and this will delay the registration process & may result in loss of the spot.

Mail payment to: 6222 Willingdon Avenue, BURNABY, British Columbia V5H 0G3 - Attention: Education Dept / Spring 2024 Weeklong

Reminder of costs:
Full Participant Cost: $1,900.00 - Single occupancy accommodation, all meals and workshops.
Local Participant Cost: $500.00 - Workshops and lunch and snacks only.
Partner/Spouse or 14+ Child: $700.00
Child 3-13 years: $300.00

Cheque is the only form of payment we are able to accept at this time.

There is a huge demand for our weeklong learning programs. Cancellation requests must be done prior to May 10,2024; after May 10th the registration fee is 100% non-refundable. To request a cancellation, please email Rachel Naidu,

Thanks for your interest in CUPE’s Union Education Program and for your ongoing leadership in our union!

In response to the health concerns of our members and staff, CUPE has implemented a Scent-Free Policy at all of our workshops. Scented products such as hair spray, perfume and deodorant can trigger reactions such as respiratory distress and headaches. Facilitators and participants are asked to refrain from using scented products while attending our workshops and meetings. Thank you for your cooperation.

Rachel Naidu