In 2022, inside and outside workers, school crossing guards and recreation attendants employed by the Municipality of Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures banded together to form a single bargaining unit represented by CUPE. This proved to be an excellent idea as the 170 members have just reached an agreement which will include a wage hike of 17.35% over five years.

“Although negotiating a single contract for the bargaining unit is a cumbersome and complex process, bargaining sessions were respectful and received the support of the CUPE’s executive and classification specialist, Lyne-Mélanie Martel, in Quebec City. We secured a historic collective agreement for the Town of St-Augustin,” said CUPE union representative Mario Jean.

Other gains included improvements to leave and vacations, time off for union business, premiums, and standby provisions and a complete common evaluation of all job titles, which was more to the advantage of employees with the Municipality of Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures in comparison with those in neighboring towns.

Turnout was strong at the general meeting last December 11 where more than 80% of the members voted in favour of the contract.