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Frédéric Brisson was elected Secretary-General of CUPE-Quebec at the May 2021 provincial convention.

He was elected Regional Vice-President for Quebec at the November 2021 National Convention to have a seat as part of CUPE’s National Executive Board.

In 2001, he was hired as an orderly in the operating room at the Quebec Heart and Lung Institute – Laval University.

He first became involved with his union in 2004, when he was elected on the Bargaining Committee of his local. Frédéric held several positions within the executive until he became president in 2017. In the same year, he was elected president of Provincial Council of Social Affairs (PCSA) for which he created the “Action Committee” and purchased an ambulance as a promotional vehicle. Mr. Brisson has also participated in the Public Sector Bargaining in 2020.