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Earth Day is on April 22, 2012

CUPE members are the backbone of Canadian communities, providing valuable public services that enrich lives. Earth Day is a time to connect with our communities on the most basic level: to celebrate the planet and the lives it sustains.

Environmentally, the earth and all of its communities are at risk from climate change, water shortages, air contamination and dozens of other issues. Our federal government has abandoned its duty to protect the Canadian environment. Instead, it favours ploughing ahead with reckless natural resource exploitation that will add to our environmental woes and put Canada further behind other more progressive countries that are moving to greener, more sustainably-based societies.

On Earth Day, reach out and connect with community members with shared core values; people who believe that a liveable planet is vital for a flourishing and just society. Make these connections by joining with events right in your community. Earth Day 2012 is on a Sunday when most of us won’t be at work. Step out your front door - walk, bike or take public transit to community events.

Make yourself visible to show that CUPE members oppose the environmentally-destructive direction Stephen Harper’s Conservatives are forcing on Canadians. 

  • Have a look here for events in your community
  • CUPE also marks Earth Day with a special contest for young people. You will find more information on the contest here.