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The NDP showed once again today that it is the party of working people in Canada by presenting as its first bill of this parliamentary session a bill to prevent employers from hiring scabs.

“CUPE welcomes this legislation, which would give employers more incentive to sit down and negotiate with workers and could lead to fewer and shorter strikes and lockouts,” said CUPE National President Mark Hancock.

This bill seeks to implement the same kind of provision that already exists in provinces like Quebec and British Columbia. It would enhance protections for employees governed by the Canada Labour Code in the event of a strike or lockout. In so doing, it becomes a key component in guaranteeing their right to collective bargaining.

The ball is now in the court of the Liberal majority government. By adopting this bill, Liberal MPs will send a strong message to workers across the country that the right to bargain collectively their working conditions must be respected.

In addition to CUPE, a number of union organizations are supporting the bill presented by Karine Trudel, MP for Jonquière and deputy Labour critic.