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Marle became involved in the labour movement in 1986; this is when she started as a laboratory technician at the City of Medicine Hat’s Wastewater Treatment Plant. Between 1986 and 1988 Marle attended the local union meetings and became familiar with what a union meant and why it is important to support your union.

In 1988 she was elected as a member of CUPE Local 46’s Group Benefit Team, this team negotiated benefits packages with the City of Medicine Hat. In 1990 she became the chair of this committee. Marle was elected as an executive officer of her Local in 1997 and in the year 2000 she became president.

Marle has sat on various committees within her local as well as at the provincial and national level. 

Marle became active in CUPE with her belief that “education of the members empowers them to deal with workplace issues and understand the importance of solidarity”. Marle’s desire to help others was the driving force behind her desire to seek election within the Union.