CUPE is proud to support the 2014 Peoples’ Social Forum being held in Ottawa from August 21 to 24. The PSF provides a critical public space that fosters the engagement of people and civil society organizations interested in building a better, more just and equitable Canada.
CUPE National is supporting the organization of the PSF with financial and staff resources.
CUPE will be taking part in the opening rally of the PSF on Thursday, August 21 where our National President Paul Moist will join a number of other exciting speakers. CUPE members are invited to meet at the War Museum (1 Vimy Place) at 3 p.m. Look for the CUPE flags.
During the forum we will be participating in the following workshops and convergences:
Friday, August 22
- Resisting the Privatization of Water Services
- ReThink Child Care campaign workshop
- Trade that works for people and the planet: Building a Progressive Trade Alternative
- I ♡ public health care!
Saturday, August 23
- Public Services convergence
- Water assembly
- Democracy assembly
Check the PSF schedule for the most up-to-date listing.
The PSF is part of a global movement of social forums. It is intended as a space for social movements to meet and converge, for the free expression of alternative ideas and grassroots exchanges and for artistic reflections on a diversity of demands and aspirations. The PSF seeks to build a broad strategic alliance against neo-liberal and neo-conservative policies in Canada based on the guiding principles of social justice, Original Peoples’ rights, sustainable development, international solidarity and participatory democracy.
As Canada’s largest union, representing over 627,000 members, CUPE stands in support of the principles that inspire the many Forums held since the 2001 inaugural World Social Forum in Porto Allegre.
For more information, please visit:
Twitter: @forumsocial2014 #PSF2014