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Montreal, Wednesday, May 23, 2001 - At the close of an union allegiance vote ordered by the Canadian Council on Industrial Relations for the employees of Secur, the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE-QFL) had a 106 vote lead after the first round, with 45.5% of the votes, compared to 30% for the CNTU, for the 800 employees.

The votes were distributed as follows: CUPE, 320 votes: CNTU, 214 votes; RTTQ, 164 votes; CSD, 4 votes; 2 spoiled ballots. Since an organization had to accumulate at least 25% of the votes to qualify for the second round, the CSD and the RTTQ are out of the race for the second round of voting, which will start at the end of May, with the results being revealed at the end of June.

The employees of Secur want to speak with one voice and we are confident that the voice that they will choose overwhelmingly in the second round of voting will be the voice of CUPE. The fight for working conditions should start as soon as possible, and the employer must know that the members will stand together now more than ever, declared Marc Ranger, the CUPE organizing representative.

Let us remember that several organizations rallied together with CUPE in the first round. Among them were the OPEU-57, the Teamsters, and the CAW. With close to 100,000 members in Quebec, CUPE is the largest affiliate of the QFL.

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Marc Ranger, cell: 514-909-7503
Louis Cauchy, tel.: 514-384-9681 ext. 270