Community pressure continues in the fight against P3 hospitals in Ontario, where the Tories are moving forward with two hospitals. A third is planned. With the mud-spattered Tories trying to dodge any more dirt before calling an election, the Ontario Health Coalition recently highlighted the major problems with P3 hospitals, calling for full disclosure of secret information on the for-profit hospital plans, including corporate connections that lead all the way to Queen’s Park. P3 hospitals and other health care privatization will be a major issue in the upcoming election.
The coalition joined with the Brampton health coalition, where one of the hospitals is planned, to call for immediate public debate and consultation about the radical change in provincial health policy. It’s expected the Royal Ottawa Hospital will soon announce the corporations selected to finance, build, own and operate a for-profit mental health facility. But reports emerging from Timmins indicate plans for a new P3 hospital there appear to have failed because the hospital couldn’t attract interest from a private partner. The news highlights the private sector’s reluctance to get involved with services in rural or remote areas, where profit levels may not be as high as in major cities.