Brian Barron is Status First Nations CUPE member. He has been a City of Winnipeg employee for 29 years, working in the Public Works Department in field operations and as a foreman.
Brian is a proud member of CUPE Local 500. He has been a shop steward for 20 years, is currently Full Time Unit President (representing 1,800 members) and is a Table Officer for the local.
Brian was a Co-Chair of the CUPE Manitoba Aboriginal Council and Chair of the Local 500 Aboriginal Committee. He has been Co-Chair of the Manitoba Federation of Labour Aboriginal Workers Caucus, a founding member of the Aboriginal workers support group for the City of Winnipeg, involved in the Aboriginal Workers Education and Outreach Project, and is a speaker for Safe Workers of Tomorrow.
Brian is active in the Aboriginal sporting community in Manitoba coaching and managing various youth teams. He has been married for 25 years to Debbie and together continues to raise their children, Shelby and Stephanie.