Dear Sisters, Brothers, and Friends:

The last few months have been filled with opportunities to meet with leaders, members, and activists from across the country at regional conventions. CUPE is now 750,000 members strong, and I am incredibly honoured to have the privilege to represent these hard-working members on the national stage.  

This year, every convention highlighted that our members have not yet recovered from the pandemic. Salaries are not keeping up with inflation, and governments and employers have chosen to forget the tremendous and essential role that frontline and public service employees played during the pandemic.

We are seeing a resurgence of militancy across the country as more and more locals are backing up their demands with political action. Our members want dignity and respect, and they are determined to achieve them at the bargaining table and, if necessary, the picket line. Members can be assured that the national union will be there with resources to support them.

With the end of convention season, half of the year is already behind us. It is urgent that we prepare for major events that are upon us – with the federal election being an absolute priority for our organization. The polls are disheartening, but I am confident that with the work and dedication of our leaders, activists, staff, and countless other supporters across this country, we can turn the table on Pierre Poilievre and lead our members to much better solutions than the ones he is offering.

Division Conventions

Convention season started in Saskatchewan in March and ended with the month of May in Ontario. Meeting members – including many new members and leaders – on convention floors across the country is always incredibly inspiring. Every day,
our members are on the front line of a fight for social and economic justice. Division conventions are an opportunity to hear directly from them as they debate resolutions, present committee reports, and ask insightful questions on divisions’ priorities and
our Union’s work.


Delegates met in Medicine Hat, Alberta, from March 19 to 22. I was able to deliver a message of congratulations to our leaders, members, and staff in Alberta for all the work being done to get higher salaries and better working conditions for our members in the province. The work that is being done through the Waging Ahead campaign is truly inspiring. Congratulations to Rory Gill and the Alberta executive board for a great convention that saw the creation of the region’s Women’s Committee.

New Brunswick

Steve Drost presided over the New Brunswick Convention in Fredericton from April 17 to 20. I participated in the event remotely, which gave me the chance to address delegates, hear their comments, and answer their questions. Our members in New Brunswick are always ready to fight back. This year, they have excellent reasons to do so following the decision of Blaine Higgs’ Conservative government to unilaterally transfer many of our members’ defined benefits pension plans to shared risk plans. As National Secretary-Treasurer, I’m extremely proud of the work done in the province to counter this attack. Our vast resources are put to great use. Congratulations to Steve and the entire NB executive board for a successful and dynamic convention.    

British Columbia

I was thrilled to be in Vancouver to attend the BC Division Convention from April 24 to 27, and to see BC Division President Karen Ranalletta back on her feet and presiding. Congratulations to Karen, Trevor, and the whole BC executive for a fantastic convention. Members in BC are engaged, and I really enjoyed the informed and robust debate around many critical political issues. I found it especially impressive that Premier David Eby not only came to address the convention, but he stayed and took questions for nearly one hour. It absolutely speaks to the importance of CUPE members’ work in BC and to the incredible work the Division does to move the NDP government to treat our members and public services with the respect they deserve.

The BC Division is investing a lot of work and time in building capacity for our members to engage in the upcoming provincial election, and it really shows in the level of interest and knowledge members brought to the floor of the convention. I look forward to working alongside them to make sure the NDP government is re-elected.


I was delighted to be in Dauphin along with Division President Gina McKay and the Manitoba executive board from May 1 to 4. The Manitoba Division Convention provided the stage for the announcement that CUPE is now three-quarter of a million strong. This year, delegates in Manitoba had good reasons to be optimistic about the future of labour and public services in the province. Last fall, their work and mobilization contributed to the election of a provincial NDP government led by Wab Kinew. More than 10 MLAs were present at the convention, including Malaya Marcelino, Minister of Labour and Immigration, who addressed the delegates. Premier Wab Kinew sent virtual greetings. Our members and allies in Manitoba now have a government that listens to workers and recognizes the essential role of public services for just and healthy communities. Congratulations on their mobilization and exciting convention.

Newfoundland and Labrador

It was great to see members in Newfoundland and Labrador in St. John’s for their annual meeting from May 5 to 8. We heard from the president of the Newfoundland Federation of Labour, an inspirational leader, Jessica McCormick. We heard from the leader of the provincial NDP and some NDP candidates. Members were very engaged in political conversations at the convention, and in particular, several members pledged to work hard in the next federal election to prevent a Conservative government from forming. Delegates also saw the unveiling of the new trailer which will serve as a mobilization resource to locals across the Island. Congratulations to Sherry Hillier and her executive for a very successful convention.

Prince Edward Island

I felt privileged to witness Ashley Clark presiding over her very first CUPE PEI convention in Mill River from May 23 to 25. This year, delegates were asked to consider the adoption of 21 resolutions and 26 constitutional amendments, which were sure to generate a lot of insightful debates and discussions. I was excited to hear committee reports and details on the Division’s right-to-strike campaign. I was also very moved by the Division’s decision to rename the CUPE office library in Charlottetown in honour of the work and activism of our Brother Leo Cheverie. It is always a treat to visit PEI, and I congratulate the entire PEI Division board for a successful event.        

Nova Scotia

It was terrific to join more than 300 delegates at the Nova Scotia Division Convention in Halifax in the last week of May. Sister Nan McFadgen presided over a very engaging and dynamic conference. I was moved by the tribute to Sister
Dianne Frittenburg, former Division Secretary-Treasurer and long-time Division Vice-President, who is stepping down from that position after many years of devoted activism in that role. It was also great to hear about the terrific activism of Sister
Lisa DeMolitor, recipient of the Betty Jean Sutherland Sister of the Year award, and the activism of Brother Glenn MacPhee and the NS Provincial Health and Safety Committee, who won the Sean Foley Health and Safety award. I was especially inspired by a very dynamic speech from the leader of the provincial New Democrats, Claudia Chender. 


It was great to return home to Ontario to end the tour of provincial conventions and to celebrate 60 years with CUPE Ontario. Over 1,300 delegates, staff, and guests gathered in Toronto for a week of lively debate and solidarity. It was energizing to take to the streets with other unions, community, and coalition partners defending public health care. It was especially great to meet and hear from South African High Commissioner Rieaz “Moe” Shaik, who gave the keynote address to the delegates. Congratulations to all our Ontario NEB members who were successful in their re-elections and to Aubrey who won the election of 2nd Vice-President. 

National Officers’ Breakfasts

This year, Mark and I made the upcoming federal election the topic of the National Officers’ Breakfasts. The threat of a conservative government in the federal jurisdiction for the progressive achievements of the last few years on pharmacare, dental care, and anti-scab legislation must be part of our conversations with members. So, too, must the Conservatives’ attacks on unions, employment insurance, the Canada Pension Plan, gender equality, and gender identity and diversity. Pierre Poilievre’s voting record since he joined the House of Commons in 2004 provides a clear and disturbing picture of his vision for the country and our public services. It also shows his spite for the labour movement and our members. He has dedicated his working life to sowing division, fomenting hate, and undermining solidarity. Everything we do must be an opportunity to discuss the real threat he represents to our public services, our union, and our members.

Many local leaders are unsure about their role and the role of the national union to engage with members in conversations about politics. They have been told so many times – often by governments – that the only legitimate conversations with members are on the content of the collective agreement or the grievance process. Yet governments determine the salaries of tens of thousands of our members. They also adopt legislations and regulations that impact the working conditions of thousands more. Conversations about politics are really conversations about our members’ future employers. We must be blunt and talk about the threat of Pierre Poilievre – our union and members cannot afford the many steps back he represents; so much is on the line.    

OSBCU Convention

On March 24, I was privileged to address members at the convention of the Ontario School Board Council of Unions (OSBCU). Our Ontario school board members and the courage and power they demonstrated when they refused to be constrained by Doug Ford’s government provided a large-scale example of what can be achieved when a union stands up for its members and refuses to be intimidated by a government’s denial of our members’ constitutional rights. OSBCU’s collective power was also demonstrated earlier this year when the Ford government lost its appeal
of the 2022 Superior Court ruling that declared the wage-suppressing Bill 124 unconstitutional. Despite this incredible victory, OSBCU members are facing countless challenges in an underfunded education sector in Ontario. Our members can rest assured that the National Union will continue to support their fight for better public services and good working conditions. This is what our members deserve and what our communities and children need.   

All-Committees’ Meeting

On March 25 to 28, I was in Ottawa for the All-Committees’ Meeting. It was so inspiring to be in a room full of CUPE activists who are passionate, knowledgeable, and dedicated to defending the rights of members and refusing to back down on demands for a better standard of living. Elder Thomas Louttit opened the event and a conversation with Jagmeet Singh brought it to a close. The discussions that took place over these few days are crucial to our work. CUPE’s multiple sectors, the diversity of our members and their priorities require us to count on our national committees to provide orientations to our work that are mindful of their areas of expertise and regional realities. I am incredibly thankful for this group of CUPE members. Meeting with them always provides for thoughtful and stimulating conversations.

OCHU Annual Convention

On April 11, I was invited to speak at the convention of the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions (OCHU). OCHU and its affiliated locals are leading the defence of public health care in Ontario at a time when we are collectively paying for decades of government underfunding and willful neglect. The work of our members helps make patients well but often puts their own health at risk. Right-wing politicians and right-wing public policies bring constant challenges to these courageous members. Despite all of that, their courage and determination to strengthen health care in the province are unshakeable. This resolve produces results: over the next two years, OCHU members will see major improvements to their wages and working conditions as a result of an intensive round of coordinated bargaining and the two arbitrated contracts that followed the defeat of Doug Ford’s unconstitutional Bill 124. It is a privilege to represent them as National Secretary-Treasurer and to stand beside them in all their fights.

Impact-Driven Leadership

I had the great honour to attend the Impact-Driven Leadership Summit as a kick off to the Caribbean Canadian Emerging Leaders Dialogue scheduled for 2025. CUPE is sponsoring the 2025 event, which will be held in Canada and Caribbean countries for Black and racialized people. CUPE will contribute to the event by ensuring that the voice of labour is represented through 4 fully paid sponsorships. The conference brings together emerging leaders from labour, business, government and NGO, and the conference theme is focused on diversity, inclusion, and poverty.

Palestine Teach-in

On May 16, more than 200 members participated in CUPE’s Teach-in on Workers in solidarity with Palestine. Mark and I offered opening remarks for the event, which was organized following the adoption of emergency resolution 804 at our National Convention last fall. This event brought together insightful speakers in a conversation on anti-Palestinian racism and antisemitism, the connections between settler colonialism in Canada and Palestine, and how trade unions can support a just and lasting peace in Israel and Palestine.

The antisemitism and islamophobia this conflict generates are impacting our members and making many feel unsafe. As CUPE members and activists, we must fight all forms of discrimination. We must be able to talk and address difficult issues
in a way that respects that we don’t all speak with one voice. Conversations about Israel and Palestine are difficult, but as trade unionists and activists for peace and equality, we can all agree that the indiscriminate killing, maiming, and kidnapping of other beings is unconscionable, no matter what the purpose or cause. I want to thank all of those who participated in the teach-in and acknowledge our moderator Lisa Djevahirdjian and our guest panelists Ronnie Joy, Hind Awwad, Terri Monture and Kimallee Phillip.  

Bill C-64 - The Pharmacare Act – Parliament Hill

On June 3, I had the opportunity to attend Parliament for the third reading of Bill C-64, the first phase of the pharmacare bill that will bring contraceptives and diabetes medication free of charge for millions of Canadians. I was joined by Frédéric Brisson and several members of the staff, along with Siobhán Vipond from the CLC, and the newly elected National President of the PSAC, Sharon DeSousa.

Canada is the only country that provides a system we call universal healthcare without including prescription drugs. These items can’t be separated from each other. Medication is an essential part of health care, and it should be a universal right in
a public system. With this bill, the false divide starts to crumble.

This is a great first step toward genuinely universal health care. It’s urgent that this bill passes quickly, and all provinces and parties should move quickly to support its introduction.

This deal comes as a result of the confidence and supply agreement between the Liberals and the NDP, and the work that unions and activists have been doing for decades. This is what happens when a Liberal government has to work with the NDP to retain power – we get things done.

Joint Union Meeting – Canadian Blood Services

On April 8-9, CUPE hosted a joint union meeting of local leadership representing workers at the Canadian Blood Services. This meeting took place in the Judy Darcy Boardroom of the National Office and brought together representatives from most regions of the country from CUPE, HEU, NUPGE, NSUPE and SEIU. The meeting was focused on CBS’s plan to privatize plasma collection and to discuss workers’ experiences. Paid plasma centres are emerging in the country and could disincentivize people from donating blood and non-paid plasma. Meetings like this one provide a space for discussing the consequences of plasma privatization and potential joint actions to counter this trend.

National Trustees’ Audit

CUPE’s National Trustees conducted their audit during the week of June 3. The annual review is now completed, and the Trustees’ report will be presented and discussed during our meeting. I thank Talitha, Donna, Bob, David, and Christian for their strong oversight of their finances and tremendous and essential work.  

External Audit

Deloitte has completed CUPE’s external audit. The Audited Financial Statements will be presented at this meeting. As usual, the Audited Financial Statements will also be posted on our website following their adoption. 

Safe Union Spaces – New Office

Mark and I, along with Alison Davidson and Sylvia Sioufi, have started interviewing candidates for the Director position in the new office being created to deal with internal gender-based violence and sexual harassment. As you know, we received over 100 applications for this position, including several very impressive candidates in this field of work. We hope to have a recommendation to make to the National Executive Board in the weeks to come. We are taking the time to get this process right.

Collective Bargaining with Unifor 2013

On June 11, we met with Unifor 2013 to exchange proposals for the renewal of the collective agreement between CUPE and our national representatives in the Quebec region. More bargaining sessions have been set for the first week of July and we expect the bargaining process to pick up speed in the fall.

New Managing Director – Finance & Administration

After a series of interviews for the position of Managing Director for the Department of Finance and Administration, which is becoming vacant this year, we have offered the job to Jasen Murphy, who has accepted and will start in September to do three months of turnover with Tammy Griffin, who will retire in December. Jasen joins CUPE after spending two decades in a similar role at the Canadian Labour Congress. We are thrilled to have Jasen join our team.

Upcoming Events

Sector Council Conference

The Convention Office is now busy preparing for the upcoming 2024 Sector Council Conference from October 7 to 10 at the RBC Convention Centre in Winnipeg, MB. A save-the-date notice was sent to all locals in April, and registration will open later this month. As we’ve seen in previous years, we expect an excellent turnout for this conference, which allows our members from 11 sectors to meet in individual sector meetings and in plenary sessions.

Secretary-Treasurers’ Conference – Eastern Provinces

With the support of the Atlantic and Maritimes Division Presidents, the NSTO will be organizing and hosting a conference to support Treasurers and Trustees in their union work. The Conference will provide training for Treasurers and Trustees, workshops on by-laws, budgets, the CUPE Ledger and Per Capita Tax, Cost-shared Campaigns, and more. We are aiming to host this event in late October in the Halifax area.

Spring 2025 Conference and Young Workers’ Event

Our office is in the initial stages of organizing the spring 2025 conference. The conference will be held in Montreal from March 4 to 7. We are working with National Services to develop the content of the event, which will stem from our Strategic Directions. Leading up to the conference, on March 3rd and 4th, CUPE will also be hosting a Young Workers’ Conference, which will fulfill a resolution passed at the National Convention.   

2023 General Fund Surplus

We have now received the 2023 valuation report needed to adjust the liability figures for Employees’ Future Benefits. We are still feeling our way through how to budget this large amount and trying to be cautious to avoid a large negative surprise at the end of the year. In 2023, we overbudgeted the expense for the year, and the adjustment that followed the valuation report generated an additional positive impact on the General Fund’s surplus of $6.4 million. This is in addition to the $17.2 million reported at year-end in 2023, $10 million of which is attributed to a local per capita tax receivable error, which was corrected. We will be undergoing a more comprehensive review of the EFB budget item as we prepare the 2025 budget to avoid similar surprises in the future.

Considering the increased militancy in locals across the country and the pressure this is putting on the National Defence Fund – for cost-shared campaigns particularly – a motion will be presented at this meeting to transfer $3 million of the 2023 surplus in the General Fund to the National Defence Fund. 



Statement of Financial Position

Assets: The total assets in the General Fund at March 31, 2024 were $409.4 million compared to $402.3 million at December 31, 2023.

The bank balance at March 31, 2024 was $4.0 million, down $10.9 million from the balance at December 31, 2023. The bank balance includes various internal cash reserves, which are set aside for retirement payouts, future benefits funding, property maintenance, the Convention, and the Regional Building Fund.

Liabilities: The total liabilities in the General Fund were $340.3 million at
March 31, 2024, up from $333.4 million at December 31, 2023.

Employee Future Benefits Obligation: As at December 31, 2023, CUPE had recorded the full liability of $269 million on the Balance Sheet and had met the goal of the Employee Future Benefit Roadmap that was put in place in 2005. Since then, we have continued to book the expenses according to the budget for the first quarter of 2024. As at March 31, 2024, the liability recorded for employees’ future benefits stands at $277 million.

Since the inception of the Roadmap in 2005, we had been increasing the amount of the annual expense for the general provision for Employee Future Benefit by $900,000 each year. In the 2023 budget, we reduced the increase to $750,000 and in 2024, for the very first time, we reduced the general provision by $2 million. We will be undergoing a more comprehensive review of this budget item as we prepare the 2025 budget.

Fund Balance: The Fund Balance at March 31, 2024 is $69.1 million, of which a total of $3.7 million is restricted as follows: Convention and National Events Assistance Fund, $1.3 million, and Regional Building Fund, $2.4 million. Of the remaining Fund Balance, we have invested $75.8 million in fixed assets, leaving a negative unrestricted balance of $10.5 million. This means that all the equity in the General Fund is spoken for either in terms of being allocated for a restricted purpose or tied up in fixed assets.

Statement of Operations

The operating surplus for the first quarter of 2024 is $147,670.

Revenue: Total revenue was $74.3 million for the first quarter of 2024 compared to the budget of $66.6 million. Per Capita Tax and Initiation Fees made up $66.7 million of the total revenue and came in at $1.2 million over budget. Interest and unrealized gains accounted for $7.5 million of total revenue.

Expenses: Total expenses were $74.2 million, which came in at $4.8 million over budget.

Salaries are under budget by $826,000, while current benefits are over budget by $331,000. Directors and Representatives’ salaries are under budget by 1.0%, or $182,000, while Administrative and Technical Salaries are 2.3%, or $85,000, under budget. Clerical salaries are under budget by 4.7%, or $261,000. Vacation Relief is under budget by 55.3%, or $297,000.

Operating Expenses

Below are some of the more significant items on operating expenses at March 31, 2024:

  1. Overall programs are $901,000 under budget.
  2. National Committees are $68,000 over budget.
  3. Fixed Staffing costs are $113,000 over budget.
  4. Operational Travel costs are $125,000 over budget.
  5. Election Spending is $1.3 million over budget.


Statement of Financial Position

Assets: As at March 31, 2024, we have $36.7 million in total assets, compared to $36.4 million at December 31, 2023. The cash balance at March 31, 2024 is $2.6 million, down from $5.3 million at December 31, 2023. As a result of the NEB decision to transfer $3.0 million to the Defence Fund from the General Fund’s 2023 surplus, there is an amount owed from the General Fund of $2.8 million in light of the fact that the Defence Fund owes $200,000 to the General Fund. In addition, we have investments totalling $28.8 million on the books at March 31, 2024, which is an increase of $3.0 million from December 31, 2023.

Liabilities: Under Liabilities, we have accounts payable and accrued liabilities of $1.8 million at March 31, 2024 compared to $2.2 million at December 31, 2023. There is also $14.2 million in cost-shared campaigns’ liabilities compared to $13.1 million at the end of 2023.

Fund Balance: At March 31, 2024, the Fund Balance was $20.7 million, compared to $21.1 million at December 31, 2023.

Statement of Operations

As at March 31, 2024, the Fund had an operating deficit of $452,000. This deficit is a result of using the surplus money in the Fund to enhance temporary staffing capacity and increase campaign resources in 2024, causing us to spend more in this fiscal year than we are bringing in. This deficit is not a result of spending more than we have. The National Executive Board made a deliberate decision to bring down the fund surplus over a multi-year plan.

Revenue: Total revenue in the Fund for the first quarter of 2024 is $4.3 million. Per capita tax allocated to the Fund to March 31, 2024, was $3.9 million, and $328,000 in interest was earned on investments.

Expenses: Total expenses in the Fund were $4.5 million as follows:

Cost-shared Campaigns: $2,354,324 in cost-shared campaigns have been approved by the National Executive Board with an annual budget of $5.5 million. There was a recovery of $393,000 in unused funds from prior years’ cost-shared campaigns that have been closed out during the quarter.

Major Organizing Expenses: Expenses for this quarter were $868,652 against an annual budget of $5.0 million.

National Strategic Initiatives: Expenses for this quarter were $559,013 against an annual budget of $2.7 million.

Regional Strategic Initiatives: Expenses for this quarter were $526,725 with a budget for the year of $4.1 million.

Temporary Representative Positions: This is a new schedule for 2024 to account for one temporary representative position for each region that has been added to the 2024 budget using NDF surplus resources. Actual spending in the first quarter was $185,200 against an annual budget of $1.7 million.


Statement of Financial Position

Assets: Total assets in the National Strike Fund at March 31, 2024 are $125.8 million, compared to $127 million at December 31, 2023. These assets consist of $10 million in cash, $2.4 million in per capita receivable, $1.6 million in accounts receivable, and $111.8 million in investments.

Liabilities: We have accounts payable and accrued liabilities totalling $1.9 million compared to $2.5 million at December 31, 2023.

Fund Balance: At March 31, 2024, the Fund Balance was $123.9 million, compared to $124.6 million at December 31, 2023.

Statement of Operations

The Fund has an operating deficit of $695,000 after unrealized losses of $173,000 for this first quarter of 2024.

Revenue: The total revenue in the Fund was $5.2 million. The Per Capita Tax allocated to the Strike Fund is $3.9 million. Investment income was $1.3 million.

Expenses: Total expenses at March 31, 2024 were $5.7 million as follows:

Strike Related Expenses:                          $4,782,857

Strike Averting Expenses:                         $430,893

Legal and Arbitration Expenses:              $218,702

Bargaining Rights Legal Challenges:      $300,000


CUPE members are standing up and demanding more and better all across the country. During the Q1 reporting period, the following locals were on strike, or locked out:

Local 2614 (QC) – Société des arrimeurs du Québec (lockout)

Local 2815 (QC) – Vidéotron (lockout)

Local 3187 (QC) – École de technologie supérieure

Local 5522 (QC) – Société québécoise des infrastructures

Local 306 (QC) – City of Longueuil

Local 1490 (ON) – Town of Black River-Matheson

Local 3903 (ON) – York University

Locals 4376/2348-33 (MB) – Ten Ten Sinclair Housing

Local 4500 (BC) – BC Transit Authority


At the date of writing this report, the following locals had been on strike or locked out
in the current quarter:

Local 2614 (QC) – Société des arrimeurs de Québec, 81 members locked out since September 15, 2022.

Local 2815 (QC) – Vidéotron, 214 members locked out since October 30, 2023.

Local 306 (QC) – City of Longueuil, 1,200 inside workers on strike on March 13 and 14 and April 2 to 5. 

Local 2804 (QC) – Town of Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac, 31 inside workers on a two-day strike on June 4-5, 2024.

Local 1490 (ON) – Town of Black River-Matheson, 12 members locked out from October 15, 2023 to January 21, 2024. On strike from January 22 to June 3, 2024.

Local 3903 (ON) – York University, 3,000 members on strike from February 26 to April 22, 2024.


For the quarter ended March 2024, total arrears were $8,122,038, a decrease of $1,506,429 or 15.65% from the previous quarter ended December 2023. Total arrears have increased 5.22% compared to March 2023. Overall, arrears per member are $10.96, an increase from $10.69 in March 2023. Arrears per member are calculated based on the December 31, 2023, twelve-month average membership of 741,254.


Member Relationship Management System (MRMS) Enhancements

The IT development team continues to focus on enhancing the MRMS Local Union Information (LUI) module by designing and building new reporting capabilities, including analytical reporting. These new enhancements are tentatively scheduled
to be released in the summer of 2024.

A new JustPay application is now entering the testing phase of the project. The JustPay application helps Job Evaluation Representatives create and test a variety
of weighing, banding, and costing scenarios for job evaluations. The new application is tentatively scheduled to be released in the summer of 2024.

The IT development team is also working on designing and implementing a new case management solution for the Legal Branch that will help to provide support in the National President’s Office (NPO) with the trial procedure. The trial procedure system will help track the status and deadlines of all trial procedure case files. The new solution is expected to be rolled out in the summer of 2024.

Legacy Accounting System (Dynamics SL) Replacement

We are moving to a new system called Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations (F&O). The project to implement Dynamics 365 F&O is well underway, with implementation targeted for late 2024.

Per Capita Tax System Replacement (will be renamed LRS, Local Remittance System)

A portion of the PCT system overlaps with an accounting system and given the replacement of CUPE’s accounting system, CUPE will be taking this opportunity to create a more automated integration between the new LRS and the new F&O accounting system. The new LRS project is well underway, and implementation with the new accounting system is targeted for late 2024.


The HR Avanti enhancement to capture self-identification data for an employee’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is currently being tested with the CUPE HR Team.
The implementation date is yet to be determined.

The ability to access and indicate acceptance of CUPE policies through Avanti self-service is currently being worked on with the vendor, and this capability is now ready for demonstration.

The French translation issues related to the PDF version of Pay statements have been fixed and are awaiting HR testing and confirmation.

Information Management (IM) Solution – CUPEDocs

During the previous quarter, significant progress was made towards establishing CUPE’s retention and disposition schedule for electronic files, laying the foundation for effective content lifecycle management. The project team is actively working towards the implementation of this feature, targeting a launch later this year.

The CUPEDocs team has directed its efforts towards regional planning, engaging in extensive discussions with Maritimes regional staff to understand specific requirements. Subsequently, the team presented its design and structure to the Regional Director, receiving approval. The rollout of CUPEDocs within the Maritimes Region commenced at the end of May and is scheduled to extend into September, to ensure a successful implementation. The decision to proceed with training and migration as a second phase post-summer vacations is deemed the most efficient approach, allowing employees to return rejuvenated and prepared to embrace CUPEDocs.

Throughout the last quarter, the project team has conducted multiple presentations, including one at the March NEB meeting. Efforts are underway to create comprehensive CUPEDocs training materials for all staff which will be made available on the CUPEDocs resource site.

End User IT Infrastructure / IT Security

CUPE has begun negotiating a new mobility plan. The objective of the plan is to allow for more data, technological advancements, and cost savings. 

CUPE IT is finalizing the rollout of new laptops to CUPE employees. This new hardware will remove and recycle over 300 outdated laptops, allowing end users to run newer and more robust applications.


We are very pleased to announce the addition of a new Bilingual Senior Administrative Officer to our property management team. Alexander McCulloch will be responsible for the delivery of property management services throughout the CUPE portfolio. He will support and assist our administrative officers in their roles and directly manage our larger facilities. Alex comes with vast and diverse experience in real estate and will be a great asset to our property management team and to CUPE.

During this second quarter of the year, we have been negotiating national contract renewal terms with Black & McDonald, which performs the maintenance and repairs of all our mechanical equipment. We have also been working on re-tendering our national furniture procurement contract.

Regarding leasing activity, we have been reviewing various options regarding leases coming to term in St. John’s, Sydney, Corner Brook, Timmins, Peterborough, and Pembroke. We recently completed negotiations for a new lease agreement in Kitchener.

We have ongoing leasehold improvement projects in Sudbury, New Glasgow, Regina, Edmonton, Lethbridge, Victoria, and Kitchener. We have also started preliminary requirement investigations for the complete renovation of the Quebec Regional Office.

We are also in the planning phase for capital investments in several of our properties, including an HVAC upgrade at the BCRO, renovations to the Comox Area Office, the installation of EV chargers at the Ontario Regional Office, and numerous building systems and security systems upgrades throughout the portfolio.


The Joint Board of Trustees held its JBT meeting on June 12 and 13, 2024, to discuss ongoing issues and activities of the pension plan.

The CUPE Employees’ Pension Plan auditors are completing the 2023 Pension Fund audit, and the 2023 Financial Statements will be filed with the Regulators in June.

The spring edition of the CEPP newsletter “Pension Connection” will be available soon on the CEPP website.

The Pension Plan staff is currently working on the preparation of the 2023 Pension Plan Annual Statements for all plan members. Active plan members will also have access to their 2023 annual statements through the Plan’s website at
for pension estimates purposes.

I want to take a moment to recognize Emily Niles, former union trustee, and co-chair, who has given her resignation to the JBT in order to spend more time with her new baby. Emily’s presence will be missed on the JBT, and I wish her the best during
her leave.


John C. Suddaby, British Columbia Regional Office, June 1, 2024

Reginald C. Crouse, Yarmouth Area Office, July 1, 2024

Henry Bosch, Niagara Area Office, July 1, 2024

Ronald P. Boisrond, Quebec Regional Office, July 1, 2024

Brigitte Fortier, Quebec Area Office, October 1, 2024

Édith C. Cardin, Quebec Regional Office, October 1, 2024

Alison A. Davidson, Human Resources Department, February 1, 2025

Alison L. Denis, Human Resources Department, February 1, 2025

Elizabeth Dandy, Human Rights Branch, February 1, 2025

Tammy Laurin, Research, Job Evaluation, Health and Safety Branch, February 1, 2025

David From, Information Technology Branch, May 1, 2025.


The summer is upon us, and so are wildfires in many communities across the country. Last year, northern communities faced an unprecedented fire season. We should all be concerned that our ineffective attempt to confront the climate crisis may contribute to extreme fire seasons in many Canadian regions and elsewhere around the globe.

We are truly living in challenging times. The magnitude and complexity of the issues confronting our membership and our union can’t be overstated. Members are struggling to make ends meet because of the rapid rise of prices, combined with the Bank of Canada’s high-interest policy. We are also experiencing worsening working conditions, higher workloads, and severe labour shortages. But despite this, I am incredibly optimistic about the future. Because, from coast to coast to coast, workers are saying enough. Our union is pushing forward, and we will not be held back.

Respectfully submitted by,      


National Secretary-Treasurer