Municipal workers in this Qub0065c city are calling for a provincial inquiry after a garbage collection contract was awarded to a private corporation, despite a much better in-house bid.
The workers, members of CUPE 2589, could have saved the city hundreds of thousands of dollars compared to the private contractor if the city hadn’t artificially inflated the workers’ bid, adding unnecessary costs. They call the situation a bad decision based on politics not economics that will cost taxpayers dearly. In addition to calling for an inquiry, they’ll be watching the contractor closely, pointing out the pitfalls and added costs as they arise. CUPE will also be pushing to ensure the municipal collective agreement applies to the contracted workers, until they can bring the work back in-house.
The workers, members of CUPE 2589, could have saved the city hundreds of thousands of dollars compared to the private contractor if the city hadn’t artificially inflated the workers’ bid, adding unnecessary costs. They call the situation a bad decision based on politics not economics that will cost taxpayers dearly. In addition to calling for an inquiry, they’ll be watching the contractor closely, pointing out the pitfalls and added costs as they arise. CUPE will also be pushing to ensure the municipal collective agreement applies to the contracted workers, until they can bring the work back in-house.