Our National Executive Board met virtually June 21-23, 2021. These are the highlights of their deliberations and decisions.
In Memory
The National Executive Board (NEB) observed a minute of silence to reflect upon the loss of members of our CUPE family. Remembered were: Jim Drysdale, Local 1858; Alan Lillie, Local 129; Gary Woods, Local 3251; Claudiu Danciu, Local 793; Gary Waysome, Local 5205; Barb Storring, Local 1479; Saeed Hassan, Local 416; Dave Long, Local 1004 (retired); Sherry Neis, retired staff; Wilma Costain, retired staff.
2021 National Convention
The Board discussed our upcoming National Convention, which will be held November 22-26, 2021. While the Board had hoped to be able to determine at this meeting whether convention can be held in person, there just wasn’t sufficient information available from public health authorities.
The NEB will meet again in mid-August to decide, among other things, whether to hold our convention virtually or in-person in Vancouver. All chartered organizations will be advised of the decision by August 24, 2021.
More convention details, including deadlines for submitting resolutions, nominations for national awards, and information about the convention assistance fund can be found here.
Anti-Racism Strategy
As trade unionists, we know that we cannot achieve economic justice without achieving racial justice. In 2019, delegates to CUPE’s National Convention unanimously adopted a resolution to create and implement an anti-racism strategy for the workplace and union that builds on CUPE’s 1999 policy statement on racism and present it for adoption at our 2021 convention.
The National Executive Board received a report on the draft Strategy document. Substantial work has been done on this strategy, including consultations with CUPE’s national committees, attendees at our National Human Rights Conference, and CUPE members across the country. Look for more information about the Anti-Racism Strategy in the fall, as we prepare for National Convention.
Initiation Fee Waiver
To assist local unions as they continue their work to ensure all members are given the opportunity to become members in good standing, the National Executive Board has extended the temporary waiver of the initiation fee until December 31, 2021. Not sure what it means to be a “member in good standing?” Talk to your national representative, or learn more here.
Changes to the Strike Fund Regulations
The National Executive Board is responsible to review the National Strike Fund Regulations on a regular basis. A sub-committee of the NEB reviewed all aspects of the Strike Fund Regulations and reported to the Board with seven recommendations – all of which were adopted. The most significant changes are:
- Strike pay will increase to $350 at week eight of the strike, $375 at week 12, and $400 at week 16.
- Locals who can show they do not have the financial capacity to cover some of the miscellaneous expenses related to the strike, CUPE will pay for the required equipment if it is approved in advance.
- The cost of representation before an interest arbitration board or arbitrator increases from 90% to 100%.
- A National Strike Appeal for strike support will be launched earlier, one month after the commencement of the strike.
The amended National Strike Fund Regulations can be found here.
2020 Audited Financial Statements
Deloitte, our external auditing firm, presented the 2020 audited financial statements for our General Fund, our National Strike Fund and our National Defence Fund. All three funds were found to be in strong, stable shape. CUPE’s accounting and administrative systems were found to exceed the standard requirements.
Trustees’ Report
CUPE’s National Trustees (Shireen Clark, Luc Cyr and Christian Trudeau) have completed their 2020 Report of CUPE National’s finances, which was presented to the Board. Much of their work was, once again this year, conducted virtually. They found the union’s finances to be in good order and congratulated the National Officers on their efforts through a challenging year.
Financial Support
The National Executive Board approved 23 cost-share campaign requests totaling $1,107,762.18 and 11 requests for legal and arbitration support, totaling $197,500.00.