Our National Executive Board (NEB) met December 14-16, 2021 in Ottawa, with some members joining virtually. These are the highlights of their deliberations and decisions.
In Memory
The Board observed a minute of silence to reflect upon the loss of members of our CUPE family. Remembered were: Lorna MacKinnon, Local 441; Brenda Finley, Local 1015; Larry Sokolowski, Local 3500; Kathleen Rutledge, Local 3500; Cheryl Charun, Local 3500; Sherril Jeffrey, Local 3500; Norman McIntosh, Local 3785; Mike Irwin, Local 2167; Dean Roy, Local 1393; Steve Sanderson, Local 1521 retiree; Govind Sundram, retired staff; Adrien Charette, retired staff; Cynthia Wishart, retired staff.
2022 Budget
The 2022 budget, adopted by the Board, incorporates the 2022 priorities identified in the extensive consultations held across the country by former National Secretary-Treasurer Charles Fleury with NEB members from each region as well as with the regional and National Office senior staff.
Although the total new projected per capita revenue growth for 2022 is $13.7 million compared to the 2021 budget, we needed to readjust the 2022 budget to add back some of the $10 million that we had to cut last year to deal with the significant revenue reductions due to lay offs due to the pandemic.
The cost to incorporate the necessary expenditure assumptions into the 2022 budget is $11.4 million, leaving just over $2.3 million of the new revenue available to spend on 2022 staffing priorities.
This budget proposal contains a total of 15 new positions of which 11 are new permanent positions, two are existing temporary positions that are being made permanent and two are new temporary positions. In addition, two existing temporary positions are being extended into 2022.
Waiver of Initiation Fees Extended
At its June 2019 meeting, Board members received a report related to the status of Members in Good Standing. The report included an action plan that highlighted the work needed to be done with and by our local unions in order to meet the requirements in the National Constitution. In adopting the action plan, the collection of an initiation fee as provided for under Article B.4.1 (or local union bylaws) was waived except where it is required by law in an organizing drive.
Much work has been done by staff and locals to ensure compliance; however,the COVID-19 pandemic continues to hinder our efforts in some places. With this in mind, the NEB voted to extend the waiver on initiation fees under Appendix B.4.1 (or local union bylaws), except where required by law in an organizing drive, to June 30, 2022.
Economy at Work
CUPE’s Senior Economist, Angella MacEwan, joined the NEB meeting to provide an economic update, including a summary of the Economic and Fiscal Update presented by the federal finance minister in the House of Commons earlier that week. She also discussed inflation and the labour market in Canada, topics covered in CUPE’s quarterly publication, Economy at Work. Articles, and a downloadable version of the publication, can be found online here.
Financial Support
The National Executive Board approved 18 cost-share campaign requests totaling $1,463,856 and 10 requests for legal and arbitration support, totaling $343,300.