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Oct 19, 2024 | CUPE Yarmouth Area Office, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia | English
This workshop is for all members in an elected position within the local union. Whether you are a trustee or a member of the executive, learning about the basics of the local union’s finances is a priority. In this workshop, you will learn about your duties regarding the finances of the union, budgeting and how to be transparent and accountable to members. 

NOTE: This workshop is a pre-requisite for Secretary-Treasurers and Trustees wishing to take LET - Financial Officers.
Oct 20, 2024 | CUPE Yarmouth Area Office, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia | English
Good bylaws are an essential component of a well-functioning local. In this workshop, you will learn the principles of good bylaws and how to make sure they are in compliance with CUPE's national constitution. We'll also look at how clear language bylaws help our members get involved in the work of the union.

NOTE: Please bring your local bylaws to the workshop.
Oct 20, 2024 | CUPE New Glasgow, New Glasgow, Nova Scotia | English
New forms of work, job insecurity, work intensification, high demands, violence and a resulting poor work-life balance are resulting in psychosocial and mental health problems in CUPE workplaces. This module focuses on the workplace as the cause or a contributor to mental health issues, and not the individual. Discuss strategies and actions that actually help make workplaces psychologically healthier and safer.

October 21 - 24, 2024 | Wanuskewin Heritage Park, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan | English | $450
CUPE Wanuskewin School 2024

On behalf of CUPE Union Education Branch please find the program brochure at the following link:

CUPE National has a vaccine policy and you can read it here:

All staff and members are encouraged to complete daily self-screening before attending any CUPE event, and to stay home if they are exhibiting symptoms related to COVID-19, or any other infectious disease, including the flu, common cold, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), etc.

Masking and physical distancing of six feet is encouraged, but no longer mandatory.

Wanuskewin School fees: $450/participant.

Make cheque payable to: CUPE
Mail payment to:
Kim Draeger
CUPE Saskatoon Area Office
250 Cardinal Crescent
Saskatoon SK S7L 6H8
November 4 - 8, 2024 | White Point Beach Resort, Queens County, Nova Scotia | English | $1400
Come to CUPE’s Fall Weeklong School if you are interested in building a better world. Choose one of three programs to gain the skills needed to make our workplaces and ourselves healthier, stronger, and better able to tackle the thorny issues facing us individually, in our locals, and globally. The personal is indeed political.

Please find the program brochure and registration form to submit with registration fee at the following link:


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