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Dec 8, 2022 | Online, Online, Ontario | English
This online workshop will help new trustees understand their role and responsibilities. You will leave the workshop with a better understanding of union finances, financial controls, and financial terms as well as the basics of the trustees' audit.
Dec 9, 2022 | Online, Online, Ontario | English
This online workshop will help newly-elected treasurers learn about the basics of the local union’s finances. You will learn about your duties regarding the finances of the union, keeping the books, and how to be transparent and accountable to members. 
Dec 15, 2022 | Online, Ontario | English
In this online workshop, you will learn about:
• the bargaining process;
• the legal framework for bargaining;
• what to expect on the first day of bargaining;
• bargaining table basics;
• consensus decision-making; and
• staying strategic.

NOTE: This workshop is intended for members of a Bargaining Committee.

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