February 20 - 21, 2025
Local 5430 members MUST register through their Regional Office.
SLS-Disability and Ableism in the Workplace (Feb. 20, 9-12)
SLS-Mediating Member to Member Conflict (Feb. 20, 1-4)
SLS-Duty of Fair Representation (Feb. 21, 9-12)
SLS-Grievance Handling (Feb. 21, 1-4)
Pre-requisite: Introduction to Stewarding
Please bring your collective agreement, steward handbook and passport.
SLS - Disability and ableism in the workplace
Pre-requisites: Introduction to Stewarding
Feb 20, 2025 (9:00am-12:00pm (Saskatchewan)) (10 spaces available)Explore what ableism is, how to recognize it, and ways to address it. Learn about how to make your workplace and union accessible to workers with visible and invisible disabilities.
SLS - Mediating member-to-member conflict
Pre-requisites: Introduction to Stewarding
Feb 20, 2025 (1:00pm-4:00pm (Saskatchewan)) (4 spaces available)Practice coaching members who are in conflict with other members, and work with a four-step approach to basic mediation.
SLS - Duty of fair representation
Pre-requisites: Introduction to Stewarding
Feb 21, 2025 (9:00am-12:00pm (Saskatchewan)) (6 spaces available)Learn about where stewards get their authority in the workplace, the duty of fair representation, and other labour laws that cover the workplace. NOTE: Please bring your Steward Handbook to the workshop.
Pre-requisites: Introduction to Stewarding
Feb 21, 2025 (1:00pm-4:00pm (Saskatchewan)) (7 spaces available)Share tips and successful practices with other stewards, and learn strategies for handling difficult grievances. NOTE: Please bring your collective agreement and Steward Handbook to the workshop.
Feb 14, 2025
CUPE Saskatoon Area Office
250 Cardinal Crescent
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
There is significant demand for our workshops. If you need to cancel your registration, please email Kim Draeger, KDraeger@cupe.ca, as soon as possible.
Thanks for your interest in CUPE’s Union Education Program and for your ongoing leadership in our union!
In response to the health concerns of our members and staff, CUPE has implemented a Scent-Free Policy at all of our workshops. Scented products such as hair spray, perfume and deodorant can trigger reactions such as respiratory distress and headaches. Facilitators and participants are asked to refrain from using scented products while attending our workshops and meetings. Thank you for your cooperation.
Kim Draeger