September 25 - 29, 2022
$1,200.00 includes hotel and all meals [except dinner on Monday]
$400.00 includes lunches and dinners [except dinner on Monday]
Are you interested in fostering bargaining and political power within your local? Do you want to learn what is at stake and what it takes to develop policies and legislation which strengthen the labour movement? Would you consider helping in campaigns or running for a provincial or federal seat? Do you want to develop an NDP that works better for workers?
Then please join MP Leah Gazan (MB), former MP Peggy Nash (ON), former MLA Howard Epstein (NS), NDP MLA Suzy Hansen (NS) and others to learn how to do just that.
We will look at the problem of decades of neo-liberal governance; how to fight back; develop an intersectional analysis; and develop a deeper understanding of climate justice from experts across the Atlantic.
Sunday September 25th (evening) to Thursday September 29th (afternoon)
Four Points Sheraton Halifax
1496 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 3Z1
$1,200 - includes hotel and meals [except dinner on Monday]
$400 - includes lunches and dinners [except dinner on Monday]
You can see the event schedule HERE.
CUPE National has a vaccine policy and you can read it HERE.
Sep 16, 2022
Four Points Sheraton Halifax
1496 Hollis Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Your registration is not final until payment is received. If payment is not received within 7 days, your seat will be released.
Please make cheques payable to: CUPE/SCFP
Mail payment to:
Canadian Union of Public Employees
Atlantic Region Office
Attn: Michelle Cohen
271 Brownlow Avenue
Dartmouth, NS B3B 1W6
To cancel, email
Thanks for your interest in CUPE education and for your ongoing leadership in our union!
In response to the health concerns of our members and staff, CUPE has implemented a Scent-Free Policy at all of our workshops. Scented products such as hair spray, perfume and deodorant can trigger reactions such as respiratory distress and headaches. Facilitators and participants are asked to refrain from using scented products while attending our workshops and meetings. Thank you for your cooperation.