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(Truro) – More CUPE hospital workers in Nova Scotia have given their union a strong strike mandate.

CUPE Acute Care Coordinator Wayne Thomas says, “Five more groups of Health Care, Service and Clerical workers have given their negotiating committee a strong show of support.”

The groups are:

• Health Care workers in DHA 4, Colchester County

• Health Care, Clerical and Service workers in DHA 5, Cumberland County

• Clerical workers in DHA 6, Pictou County

District 4 facilities include Colchester Regional and Lillian Fraser Memorial.  
District 5 facilities include South Cumberland Community Care Centre, Bayview
Memorial Health Centre, All Saints Springhill, Cumberland Regional and North Cumberland Hospitals.  District 6 facilities include the Aberdeen and Sutherland-Harris Hospitals.

All of the five groups are represented by CUPE Local 2525.

Eighteen groups of CUPE hospital workers across the province outside the Capital District are holding strike votes.  Last month CUPE announced there would be no job action in the hospital sector before January 11, 2010 because of the H1N1 pandemic.