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TORONTO – The Toronto Civic Action Network (Toronto CAN) will be hosting a public forum called The People’s Summit: Shaping Our Civic Future on:

Monday, June 24, 2002
9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Metro Hall Council Chambers
55 John Street.

The momentum is building,” says Tanya Gulliver, Toronto CAN spokesperson. “People across Toronto are excited about their opportunity to let City Council know what makes a liveable, equitable and sustainable city.

This is a chance for people who have not been invited to the Mayor’s city summit, to express their views about their Toronto and how it should work,” says Gulliver.

Toronto Star columnist Royson James will moderate the event. Speakers will include John Cartwright, president of the Toronto and York Region Labour Council; Susan Pigott, the executive director of St. Christopher House; Ryerson Professor Janet Conway; and Uzma Shakir, a board member of the Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants.

The Toronto CAN People’s Summit is funded by the Maytree Foundation, Laidlaw Foundation, Toronto and York Region Labour Council, CUPE Local 79, Church of the Holy Trinity, CUPE Local 416, CUPE Ontario, the Elementary Teachers of Toronto, CUPE District Council of Toronto, and the Children’s Aid Society Foundation.


Tanya Gulliver - 416-351-0095
Shannon McManus - 416-292-3999