Pierre Ducasse | CUPE Communications
Wouldn’t it be great if the environment and the economy were not seen as opposites, but treated with equal importance?
Wouldn’t it be fantastic if we could take on the climate change crisis and turn it into an opportunity to create hundreds of thousands of decent new jobs?
Wouldn’t it make sense if unions and environmental organizations worked together to make it happen?
Well, that’s exactly what the Green Economy Network (GEN) is all about.
GEN – its member organizations include CUPE, other major unions, and environmental and social justice organizations – is involved in campaigns on three fronts:
- Clean, safe transportation, including public transit and higher speed rail.
- Clean, renewable energy like solar, wind, and geothermal power.
- Greener building construction to create energy efficiency through retrofits.
These initiatives would help protect our environment while creating thousands of jobs.
GEN is leading a campaign to create one million good, green jobs in our communities over ten years. Solutions do exist that can help us resolve the climate change crisis and the unemployment crisis at the same time.
GEN will be holding a variety of events – round tables, workshops, public forums – with unions, environmental groups, social justice and youth organizations near you.
For more information on GEN or on the one million green jobs campaign, visit: greeneconomynet.ca.