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WINNIPEG – CUPE Local 4214 members throughout the Interlake Regional Health Authority voted to ratify a new Collective Agreement on November 2, 2005.

The two-year agreement commences April 1, 2006, and provides for wage increases, protection of existing pension benefits, employer paid long-term disability plan, and consistent pay rates throughout the province.

Members who worked during the period of July 1, 2004, to September 26, 2005, in the region noted above or who have voluntarily terminated or retired, should contact their employer as they may be eligible for retroactive pay.

Our members recognized the amount of hard work that our Negotiating Committee had put into reaching this deal and the results at the ratification votes showed that,” said Sharon Thorgilsson, Chair of CUPE’s Provincial Health Care Council.

While the deal received excellent support, our members recognize that this is just the first step of a longer journey,” added Brian Ellis, Health Care Coordinator. “Manitoba still lags behind other provinces in the area of wages and benefits, and we need to keep this in mind in future rounds of bargaining.”

Members in other areas will be voting on the agreement over the next few weeks.


The Canadian Union of Public Employees is Canada’s largest union representing more than a half-million women and men. In Manitoba, CUPE represents 24,000 members working in health care facilities, school divisions, municipal services, social services, child care centres, public utilities, libraries and family emergency services. Approximately 10,500 CUPE members in the Manitoba health care system provide a variety of support, professional, and nursing services.

For more information, contact:

Brian Ellis, CUPE Health Care Coordinator
942-0343, ext. 214