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On May 31, our professional community will celebrate International Flight Attendant Day for the first time ever. This important date will be jointly inaugurated by tens of thousands of our peers in the United States and elsewhere as we celebrate the important role we all play in aviation safety around the world, and further educate the general public about our profession.

A very special kickoff event, sponsored by CUPE National, is happening on the evening of May 31 in Toronto. Cabin crew members from all airlines represented by CUPE are invited to join.

Tickets available at flightattendantday.eventbrite.ca. Password: FLYSAFE2015.

The live music show will be held from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. at the famous Toronto landmark The Opera House, featuring the Juno-nominated Halifax band In-Flight Safety, along with an opening performance by Montreal singer Léa Sanacore and musicians.

We encourage you to get your tickets for this event sooner rather than later - first come, first serve!

All flight attendants from Air Canada, Rouge, Air Transat, Canjet, First Air, Sunwing, Cathay Pacific, Calm Air, and Canadian North (age 19 and up) can obtain a complimentary ticket, and can also obtain a second complimentary ticket to invite a guest.

All crew members will be asked to present their airline employee card or their airport restricted area (MOT) pass for admission to the show.

We hope to see many of you present at this unique event, setting the stage for many successful Flight Attendant Day celebrations for years to come!

Tickets available at flightattendantday.eventbrite.ca. Password: FLYSAFE2015.