Without any involvement by Parliamentarians, Transport Canada is willing to take a chance on the safety of airline passengers by reducing the number of flight attendants on board. Ask your MP to oppose this change.
After granting exemptions from the current flight attendant staffing regulation to WestJet, Sunwing, Air Canada (top carrier, and Rouge), Air Transat, Canadian North and Canjet last year, Transport Canada now wants to let all airlines decide what standard they will apply on their aircrafts, the current and safety-proven ratio of 1 flight attendant for every 40 passengers or a new ratio of 1 flight attendant for every 50 passenger seats. Fewer flight attendants will mean fewer safety professionals on board to take care of the passengers in emergency situations, including evacuations, security incidents and dealing with unruly passengers.
CUPE and its Airline Division are deeply concerned about the proposed change and are asking MPs on the House of Commons Transport Committee to immediately study this regulatory change that will put airline passengers at risk.
If you also believe that it’s unacceptable to compromise safety for passengers on Canada’s airlines, use this tool to find your MP and send a message that flight attendants play an essential role in ensuring the safety of passengers.
With a single click, ask your MP to put pressure on the Transport Committee members, so they launch a public inquiry of proposed regulatory change as soon as possible.
In the interest of passenger safety, act and encourage your friends and family to do the same.