CUPE 2729, the union representing outside workers in the city of Sherbrooke, Quebec, is speechless since learning of the notice of motion by members of Sherbrooke city council to vote themselves a 26.5% wage hike for performing their duties and sitting on the executive council.

During an interview on radio station 107.7, acting mayor Kibonge declared that this decision was “more than fair” and “fair to everyone.” It also seems urgent to remind him that some decisions made by the City of Sherbrooke are far from fair to their employees.

“City council justified the wage increases, citing the workload of elected officials sitting on the various committees. However, the real question that must be asked is whether our elected officials are aware of the workload of their employees who, day in and day out, oversee the well-being of citizens?” We wish to draw their attention to the satisfaction survey of the city’s employees from last spring, which revealed that workload was indeed an issue and that the rate of satisfaction of outside workers was an anemic 4.4/10,” said Michael Chabot, president of CUPE 2729.

“This resolution reflects the flagrant disrespect of all city workers. The fact that the city’s elected officials voted themselves that kind of raise and that they went out and hired an outside firm at considerable expense to taxpayers is a decision totally disconnected from the economic situation Quebec is currently going through. It comes as a huge insult to our outside workers,” said Chabot.