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(Halifax) On the heels of the Romanow Report, Canada’s largest health care union is gearing up for a major campaign aimed at giving Canadians a chance to ensure the report is actually followed through on by governments.

The Canadian Union of Public Employees, which represents 180,000 frontline health care workers across Canada, is taking the advice of Commissioner Romanow directly to heart. The former Saskatchewan premier has said his report is in the hands of the people now, and it’s up to them to take action.

Here in Nova Scotia, CUPE’s Count Me In! campaign will provide people with a number of innovative ways to make sure the federal and provincial governments hear their voices on public health care.

The campaign will feature:
  • Regional meetings for all CUPE locals across the province
  • Workplace canvassing
  • Resolutions for municipal councils, school boards
  • Information phone trees
  • Pledge cards and Fact sheets
  • Save Medicare lawn signs
The campaign will take place over the next several months. The two main goals of the campaign are to save and expand Medicare and to stop privatization whenever and wherever it occurs.

For information:

Betty Jean Sutherland, CUPE Nova Scotia President, (902) 396-5439 (h)
Danny Cavanagh, Provincial Committee Chair (902) 890-6695 (Cell)
John McCracken, CUPE Communications Rep., (902) 455-4180 (o)