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Four CUPE K–12 locals on Vancouver Island are taking their message to the streets on the backs of city buses. CUPE Local 947, 459, 441, and 382 are letting people know about the quality services they provide and telling the real story on education funding. 

We’ve been seeing layoffs and reduction of services since the B.C. Liberals came in,” says CUPE 947 president Brad Hall. The locals want to correct claims by the Liberal provincial government that education is properly funded.

The bus routes cover the lower part of Vancouver Island from Sooke to Lands End Road. The campaign will run until 2012 and the locals can update the message every three months.

The locals chose bus advertising because it was a cost-effective way to get their message to people in a large geographical area.

Hall says there were challenges but the group effort was fun and creative.

It wasn’t easy to get it all done,” said Hall. “Although it took time and a lot of discussion, in the end it was worth it.”

The locals represent approximately 2,000 members who support K–12 on southern Vancouver Island from maintenance to clerical to Education Assistants.

CUPE 947 represents Victoria schools inside workers, CUPE 459 represents Sooke School District 62 support staff; CUPE 441 represents staff in School District 63 Saanich; and CUPE 382 represents custodial, trades and non-trades workers in Victoria School District 61.

CUPE K-12 Vancouver Island locals bus campaign pics