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Standing up for their pension plan on a sunny afternoon at Queen’s University campus, members of CUPE 229, 254 and 1302, along with supporters and other university staff, held an information picket to show support and solidarity for their bargaining team and to send a strong message to Queen’s administration to “bargain, not bully”, as both parties enter crucial mediation talks to achieve a fail deal and avert a possible lock-out or strike on July 29.

Our members are united to tell management to bargain fairly and not bully us,” said Derek Cole, coordinator of the event and member of CUPE 229. “Forcing us to accept serious pension cuts or face a lock-out by our employer is not the Queen’s way of showing respect for workers who worked long and hard to build this university.”

The 430 CUPE members at Queen’s University are trades and maintenance staff, custodial and athletics staff, residence and recreation staff, and technicians providing services at the university’s teaching and research labs, and library technicians.