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This Saturday March 31 from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. local time will be Earth Hour, a time to turn off your lights, park your car, and power down your electronics and other equipment in a mass energy conservation exercise.

This is the sixth annual Earth Hour edition of this popular global event designed to raise environmental awareness and show that simple steps can have an impact on cutting greenhouse gases that cause climate change when these steps lead to lasting actions.

The World Wildlife Fund – an international environmental organization – created Earth Hour and has added new features to the event this year. Participants can take the Earth Hour Pledge and municipalities can take part in the Earth Hour City Challenge.

Any municipality can take part by emailing citychallenge@wwfcanada.org to register. 

The challenge will provide cities with toolkits, training and advice, as well as a platform to showcase and be recognized for their work preparing for the impacts of climate change.