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CUPE and the Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care have launched a province-wide campaign to pressure the Ontario government to increase funding for regulated child care.

As part of the campaign, Thunder Bay child care workers are urging local councillors to support a resolution demanding the province provide municipalities with more funding for quality, licensed child care.

Child care is at a crisis point,” says Anita Broere, a local day care activist. “Unless the province recommits sufficient funds, the quality care municipalities have supported for the past 20 years will be decimated.”

CUPE is concerned that budget cuts and downloading are discouraging municipalities from operating child care centres.

We are urging council to join with us in “Working Together for Children”, says Helen Gibb-Gavel, chair of the CUPE Ontario social service workers committee. “In approving this resolution, council will be demonstrating a commitment to young children and their families.”