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The international labour website, labourstart.org, has taken up the fight of B.C. public sector workers against six laws passed by the B.C. Liberal government-including Bill 29-that a United Nations agency says violate basic protections for working people.

Labourstart has launched a web campaign to alert activists worldwide that the B.C. government has violated the basic covenants set by the International Labour Organization and to call activists around the globe to send e-mails protesting the government’s action.

In the first 24 hours of the campaign, close to 1,000 e-mails have been sent to Premier Campbell calling on the B.C. government to repeal the offending legislation.

You can add your name to the growing international outcry by going to labourstart’s special campaign website page and send your own e-mail to Premier Campbell.

Here’s the link to get there: http://www.labourstart.org/actnow.shtml.

And pass this on to your friends and colleagues so that they can join the fight.