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(Halifax) – Talks between HRM and its outside workers have broken off, and the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) says it is filing a ‘bargaining in bad faith’ complaint with the Labour Board.

CUPE National Rep. Larry Power says, “We have now tabled three different offers to try and resolve the issue of snow and ice provisions in the contract. The employer, meanwhile, has not budged an inch from the initial position they tabled when bargaining began. That is not bargaining.”

Power says the major stumbling block in bargaining continues to be the snow and ice provisions in the CUPE contract. These determine staffing levels and other working conditions during the winter.

Other outstanding issues include contracting out, mandatory transfers, benefit plan cost sharing, wage increases and job reclassifications.

While the 14-day countdown to a possible strike or lockout ends tomorrow (July 8) at midnight, the union has no immediate plans to take its members off the job.

We’re prepared to wait and see what the Labour Board has to say about this lack of progress in bargaining and who’s responsible,” says Power.

CUPE Local 108, Unit One, consists of 500 outside workers with the HRM.

For information:

Larry Power
CUPE National Rep.
209-4143 (Cell)
455-4180 (o)

John McCracken
CUPE Communications Rep.
455-4180 (o)