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Delegates to CUPE’s fifth National Women’s Conference will Rise UP! for jobs and services when they meet November 13-16 in Ottawa.

The conference promises to be a valuable tool in examining the real effects of cutbacks and privatization on women as both workers and citizens.

Registration packages for the conference were sent to local unions in early September. However you can register for the conference quickly by faxing the registration form which you will find here.

Registration for the conference has been extended to October 30.

General Information:

Conference Time

The CUPE National Woman’s Conference will start Friday, November 13 at 7 PM and will end Monday, November 16 at 12:30 PM


Conference fees are $150 per delegate. Because space is limited, we urge you to register as soon as possible. The registration deadline is October 30, 1998.

Hotel Reservations

A block of rooms has been reserved for the conference at the Citadel Ottawa Hotel and Convention Centre and the Radisson Hotel Otttawa Centre. The hotel rate is $105.28 (including taxes) for both single and double accomodations. Please contact the hotels directly.

Child Care

Child care facilities will be made available during the conference. Delegates requiring such facilities should indicate so on the registration form and enclose an additional $50.00 per child. We regret that we will be unable to accommodate any children who have not registered by October 30, 1998.

Delegates with Special Needs

Arrangements will be made to provide services to delegates with special needs to enable them to participate fully in the conference. If delegates requite such services please contact CUPE’s Equality Branch at (613) 237-1590.

Travel Arrangements

W.E. Travel Services has been designated as the official travel supplier for the conference. Delegates will be offered the lowest fares available and substantial savings when booking in advance. Please call 1-800-434-5087.