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FORT MCMURRAY - Seventy-nine transit operators for the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo Transit System in Fort McMurray, are CUPE Alberta’s newest members.  The Employees of TOK Transit Alberta Limited, voted overwhelmingly to be represented by CUPE. 

On August 6, 2013 the Alberta Labour Relations Board certified CUPE as the bargaining unit for the employees of TOK Transit. Recently TOK Transit was awarded the contract for the Transit System in Fort McMurray, with service commencing on July 1, 2013. 

CUPE Alberta is a union of over 35,000 members province-wide, working together for better wages and working conditions, strong public services and a prosperous economy that is enjoyed by all Albertans. 

CUPE Alberta President, Marle Roberts extends a warm welcome to our newest members.  Roberts states “It took a great team effort on the part of the drivers to make this happen, and we are happy to have them on board.”


Nicole Bownes
Acting Communications Representative