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Imagine if you could actually have a say at the United Nations. Well, now that might be closer to a reality with the campaign to set up a United Nations parliamentary assembly.

Such an assembly would serve as “a global network of parliamentarians and non-governmental organizations advocating for citizens’ representation at the UN, says a web site promoting the idea.

“A United Nations Parliamentary Assembly (UNPA) would be the first parliamentary body directly representing the world’s citizens in the United Nations. It is envisaged as first practical step towards the long-term goal of a world parliament.”

Several prominent Canadian politicians have already endorsed the UNPA idea after agreeing with the 10 reasons being circulated to argue that it is a good idea. Among the 10 reasons: act as a citizen watchdog, parliamentary-style additions such as question period and more media scrutiny, and provide a “behavioural model of democracy”,

On July 11, 2007, the federal Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs recommended: “As part of the essential role of a reformed and strengthened United Nations in global democratic development, the Parliament of Canada should give favourable consideration to the establishment of a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly.”

For more on UNPA: http://en.unpacampaign.org/index.php