Sudbury is a proud union city with a rich worker and labour movement history that are cornerstones of the community. This is why many in Sudbury’s labour community joined the solidarity event on Wednesday despite the rain to call on Science North/Dynamic Earth to respect the right of their employees to organize a union.

When the news spread that the mostly young workers at Science North and Dynamic Earth – known affectionately as the ‘bluecoats’ – decided to organize with the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), it was met with excitement and solidarity among the local labour community.

However, Science North/Dynamic Earth has not responded positively to the workers’ exercising their right to unionize, creating an intimidating atmosphere, sending out anti-union messages on emails and letters to employees’ homes.

“I’m really happy to see how many union leaders and community activists are here with us today in this weather - it shows that unions are here for workers thick or thin, rain or shine,” said Max LaFontaine, President of CUPE 4705.

Unions improve wages and benefits for all workers, not just union members. They help reduce income inequality and are a force for good.