
LGBTQ2+ Supports

  • Trans Lifeline, 1-877-330-6366 – trans-led organization dedicated to improving the quality of trans lives by responding to the critical needs of our community with direct service, material support, advocacy, and education.
  • LGBT Youthline, 1-800-268-9688 – offers a toll-free peer-support phone line for lesbian, gay bisexual, transgender, transsexual, Two-Spirit, queer and questioning young people.
  • Canadian Aids Society – provides a list of key transgender support resources.

Indigenous Supports

  • Check your area to see what services are available for Indigenous peoples who have experienced violence, which may include Friendship Centres, Indigenous Health Centres, Indigenous-based shelters and Indigenous specific crisis lines
  • Talk4Healing is a talk, chat and text service available to Indigenous women living in urban, rural and remote communities, both on and off reserve.
  • Native Women’s Association of Canada toolkit “You are Not Alone”
  • Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres toolkit “Taking Care of Each Other’s Spirit” 
  • National Aboriginal Circle Against Family Violence – lists Indigenous women’s shelters across Canada.
  • Native Youth Sexual Health Network – is an organization by and for Indigenous youth that works across issues of sexual and reproductive health, rights and justice throughout the United States and Canada.