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Following reports confirming the conclusion of the Toronto Police Service Professional Standards branch into the investigation of two Toronto Transit Commission Special Constables for their actions during a January 29 arrest, James Bingham, President of CUPE 5089 of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE 5089) issued the following statement:

“Last week, CUPE 5089 was informed that an investigation into the January 29 incident involving two TTC Special Constables had concluded.

The two Special Constables under investigation have been cleared of any wrongdoing.

CUPE 5089 is pleased and relieved that this matter has finally been dealt with.

The arrest was deemed lawful and they were justified in their application of force.

They have been assigned back to their respective platoons and will resume regular duties.

At this time, we are asking that the media and public respect their privacy.

As this investigation is now closed, CUPE 5089 will be making no further comment on this matter.

For more information, please contact:

Kevin Wilson
CUPE Communications